cosimo's latest activity

  • cosimo
    cosimo replied to the thread E-Nano from Epickai.
    wow, from just one bowl?
  • cosimo
    cosimo reacted to cannasoor's post in the thread E-Nano from Epickai with Wow Wow.
    Absolutely! Thanks for the labeled pictures—that helps a lot! (I'll get your Weed PhD in the mail ASAP! :lol::clap:) I have to agree...
  • cosimo
    cosimo replied to the thread E-Nano from Epickai.
    I have, but stirring would be required and I hate stirring. On the "throat hit" subject, I avoid feeling anything in my throat (quite...
  • cosimo
    cosimo reacted to PeteyS's post in the thread E-Nano from Epickai with Like Like.
    Haha, that's a great way to dry out stems. I actually have one somewhere for camping and bike tires. Maybe I should find it. I also...
  • cosimo
    cosimo reacted to nadia_epic's post in the thread E-Nano from Epickai with Like Like.
    Always or, the staging site has been removed.
  • cosimo
    cosimo reacted to nicknobody's post in the thread E-Nano from Epickai with Wow Wow.
    I haven’t seen anyone talk about drying cleaned vape parts. I don’t have an enano (yet maybe) but my other logs and all my other devices...
  • cosimo
    cosimo reacted to Shit Snacks's post in the thread Herb Grinders with Like Like.
    :argh::lol::evil: for sure! Though I'm honestly not so sure, I used to always say BCG before as I appreciated how it was just a...
  • cosimo
    cosimo reacted to PeteyS's post in the thread E-Nano from Epickai with Like Like.
    Sounds like we both vape similar on the e nano. I'll try a lower temp, as I love flavour. How many hits do you take at 5.5 before you...
  • cosimo
    cosimo replied to the thread E-Nano from Epickai.
    First hit with fresh herbs, 7 to 10 seconds long hits, and next hits of the same bowl can be shorter. The quantity of hits per bowl...
  • cosimo
    cosimo reacted to Madtater's post in the thread Herb Grinders with Haha Haha.
    So i am gonna put you on the spot right here😈. If you had to choose between the OMD or the BCG, and you could only keep one, which one...
  • cosimo
    cosimo reacted to florduh's post in the thread Weird News Stories of the Day..... with Haha Haha.
    Want to trade?
  • cosimo
    cosimo reacted to staircase slight of hand's post in the thread Airvape Enso with Like Like.
    Precisely why “under-promise, over-deliver” is a thing. It’s like they keep punching themselves in the face, making promise after...
  • cosimo
    cosimo reacted to Custom Flower Hardware's post in the thread Airvape Enso with Like Like.
    I just emailed and asked the same. I bought a legacy pro from them a while back as well as put the 25 down payment a while back. Just...
  • cosimo
    cosimo reacted to Xclerk's post in the thread Airvape Enso with Like Like.
    How does a legacy legacy pro owner get the code?
  • cosimo
    cosimo reacted to seedy53's post in the thread Airvape Enso with Like Like.
    consider maybe, there are circumstances, regulations, and situations we know nothing about that justify these launch delays, manufacture...
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