Recent content by ChronicMasturvaper

  1. C

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    Hey everyone, have had PinnaclePro since launch and I can't express how much I love this thing. So due to my...sheer laziness, a fair amount of resin and other nastiness has built up on the inside of my chamber and now my bullet is...stuck. For awhile i could use the wooden scoop thingy as a...
  2. C

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    Nice, alright, ill try going with a 2 for awhile and return with results. The 3 has a ton of power....i'm pretty non functional right now.
  3. C

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    I see. This is my first vape so im not sure how the efficiency stacks up with other brands, it certainly uses up more flowers than combustive methods, however my herb bill at it's highest peak pales in comparison to any of my friend's monthly bar tabs so i'm not too banged up about spending a...
  4. C

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    Are you guys getting more than 1 good session out of a bullet at 3? I seem to be burning through an entire bullet when i start it at at a 3. I try the same bullet at a 4 and nothing really comes out, any tips? or is this standard.
  5. C

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    (Warning: Long Tangentially Relevant Post) Memoirs of a 1st time Vaper/Someone with the privilege and luck of it being a PN Pro: So let me start with the excitement you get when the package you're tracking says "out for delivery," I was literally like a kid on christmas, waiting in the lobby of...
  6. C

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    Hey vaporblunt thanks for your response. I read through the original on thread and just had to say I'm blown away by your response time and how you involved engineering. I'm purchasing a Pro tonight. Da Vinci should seriously pay you to consult them on how to do a proper launch on any future...
  7. C

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    Sorry, I meant like in a traditional water pipe the pinnacle will just be sticking out at a 45 degree angle right, that's OK as well I'm assuming, if upside down is ok
  8. C

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    Can you use the pinnacle with an adapter on any regular water pipe? Or does it need to be something that will allow the pinnacle to be standing upright? I'm just hoping to save some money by not having to get the water tool by recycling my old combustion device and using it for cooling down vapor
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