Recent content by chronicjk2

  1. chronicjk2

    How much bud do you vaporize per session?

    On average about 3-4 ELBs at a time with .15 each, 3 times daily.
  2. chronicjk2

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    So it's been a month now since getting my EVO. All my other VAPES are just sitting collecting dust. Thinking of selling them all and using the cash towards purchasing a back up EVO!
  3. chronicjk2

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    My EVO has the same whistle. I actually think it's where the bamboo glass narrows that make that noise not the hydrotubes. I have the hydrahoneycomb BTW.
  4. chronicjk2

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    I ordered mine directly from VapeXhale.
  5. chronicjk2

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    Got mine not even a month ago. No weird smells or anything.
  6. chronicjk2

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    About to try some Agent Orange shatter in the EVO for the first time. Like Ataxian would say...Feeling CIVILIZED!
  7. chronicjk2

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    I've been loading about 0.1-0.12g per ELB, around 130-230 o clock position on the EVO and getting around 2-3 large hits. Finally a vape that can help me defeat my old heavy bong use.
  8. chronicjk2

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    Yep I think I was packing in too much material and was not drawing fast enough. I have been using the EVO most of the day and have had no more issues even up to the 3o clock position. More testing needed...
  9. chronicjk2

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    Evo came in last night. Still getting used to it. was upset when I combusted my lastbowl last night. guess the 3oclock position is too high for herbs on my evo.
  10. chronicjk2

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    Does anyone have the base from dhgate that turns a hydratube into a full bong yet? I just ordered one to try it out from sunshinestore. Want to get a legit one eventually but I've spent enough on vaporizers lately. Even if I don't end up using it I'm only out $20.
  11. chronicjk2

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    Yeah trying to be chill about it. At least I still have a couple of very capable vaporizers sitting around to keep me busy while I wait.
  12. chronicjk2

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    God damn fedex. called to have package held at facility for pickup and they sent it out for delivery instead. Probably be a couple more days before I get my EVO now because fedex are morons!
  13. chronicjk2

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    My vapexhale should be here tomorrow. Probably won't be able to get it until Thursday though. :(
  14. chronicjk2

    Underdog Log Vapes

    I'm interested in this as well. Mainly which unit is preferred for water pipe use.
  15. chronicjk2

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    I have had no issues with fedex before. I always call ahead though and have my package ready for pickup at a fedex location instead of most likely missing my home delivery.
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