badbee's latest activity

  • badbee
    badbee replied to the thread Bud Bee Grinders.
    Except I'm not. I'm guessing based on years of observing conversations and recommendations about grinders. I only own one grinder and...
  • badbee
    "it's not real" has my vote.
  • badbee
    badbee replied to the thread Bud Bee Grinders.
    Well sure, everyone has their own preference. But realistically, do you think Brilliant Cut sells more fine plates than coarse? I...
  • badbee
    badbee replied to the thread Bud Bee Grinders.
    This is great to see and might give MedGrind a run for their money. It's nice to hear actual specifications and alloy designations for...
  • badbee
    badbee replied to the thread Discontinued Firefly 1, 2, 2+.
    This is generally a bad idea that will degrade your batteries. I can't speak for the Firefly specifically but most cheap built-in...
  • badbee
    badbee replied to the thread Anyway to modify Green Dragon?.
    That's just an ethyl alcohol extraction, right? You can evaporate off the alcohol and dab it or add it to flower in a vape, like any...
  • badbee
    badbee replied to the thread YoMo Vape.
    I just happened to notice this. If you are still wondering a box mod is what they call the part of a nicotine vape that houses the...
  • badbee
    badbee replied to the thread Tafée Bowle.
    I'm sorry but if you aren't filled with petty gripes why are you even on the internet? :) Merry Christmas Dr G and to all!
  • badbee
    badbee replied to the thread TinyMight / TM 2.
    I find rimmed baskets hit just a little bit better and there are fewer green bits around the edge after a no-stir session (TM1). My...
  • badbee
    badbee replied to the thread TinyMight / TM 2.
    Yes, it is possible. I don't have the instructions handy but they were posted in this thread in the past. If you are having power...
  • badbee
    badbee replied to the thread Tinymight 2 TEARDOWN.
    The heater is below the chamber in virtually every vape I've ever seen. Nothing keeps debris from falling through the air holes of the...
  • badbee
    badbee replied to the thread TinyMight / TM 2.
    @Mukmuk, the cells going dead is the most interesting part of this. The energy from that cell has to have been converted to heat, there...
  • badbee
    badbee replied to the thread TinyMight / TM 2.
    That's an unusually low sale price, worth buying (maybe) at that price. Typically they are more like $9 - $12. Edit: only buy from a...
  • badbee
    badbee replied to the thread TinyMight / TM 2.
    The P30B has 7% more capacity, so no you won't get another full load out of that, at most one more hit. They probably have a little bit...
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