Recent content by Axel_420

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    Problème with my pid controleur

    I don't know what you are talking about. The PID that you receive with the Phase3 kit is just a regular PID. Perhaps you are referring to the PID that came with the first Phase3's kit? That one has a value that lowers the original captured temperature of the probe to give a more accurate...
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    Portable Dry Herb Vapes Vs Ball Vapes

    The temperature set on the PID, the temperature controller usually used on desktop ball vapes, is neither the air temperature nor the temperature of the flower you want to vaporize, but only the temperature of the coil. Some ball vapes are heated to more than 600°F, if it was the temperature of...
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    2024 Most Reached For

    PHASE3's ZX is definitely the vaporizer I have used the most this year. I like it because it is very efficient and powerful, with smooth and flavorful vapor. The learning curve is almost nonexistent, and it is easy for everyone to use. It is small and lightweight: in addition to being very handy...
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    Tafée Bowle

    It would be really cool if someone could make a wpa and glass stems to replace the original Tafée one. Not because there is a need, but for more versatility and a different experience. I say glass because I prefer it, but other materials would be good too. I hope it spreads and someone...
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    Arizer Solo 3 vs Tinymight2 vs S&B Venty

    I don't have it, but from what I read it sounds like Angus Enhanced might be for you. I don't know if you didn't know it or if you've already ruled it out for some reason.
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    Tafée Bowle

    Is there a WPA for sale or that you can make for the Tafée Bowle 2? Maybe @Delta3DStudios?
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    Phase3 Vaporizers

    Has anyone tried the ZX with a 10 mm rig (recycler or not)? Does it work as well as the 14 mm or is the performance and airflow too reduced? I know it depends a lot from rig to rig and there is a lot more to it than joint size.
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    Puffco Peak Pro

    Are there quartz or ruby inserts for the 3DXL chamber? What do you think if you have tried them? Given the new product just released by the competition (Dr. Dabber Switch 2) do you think or have you heard anything about it in Puffco's live shows if they will do something similar regarding...
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    Tafée Bowle

    Stubby stem: does it make sense to buy it if you already have the short stem that is sent with the TB? Is a difference really noticeable, maybe a little more flavor, etc., or is it just a matter of convenience given the shorter stem length?
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    Herb Grinders

    Next Gen Flower Mill vs BCG (SS version maybe): which one to choose and why? In terms of the end result, is there much difference between the two? It seems that the aluminum dust problem has been solved or greatly reduced with the second version of the Flower Mill. Can anyone confirm this?
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    Phase3 Vaporizers

    @invertedisdead in case you reintroduce the ZXL in the same version as the first round of pre-orders do you think it will remain the same or might something change? Thanks
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    Puffco Peak

    If the size of my dabs is small does it make sense to get the Peak Pro with its 3DXL chamber or is even the new Peak enough? Would like to know specifically how much changes between the two devices, specifically in terms of the chambers, and whether one is better than the other, even considering...
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    BAKx - bake all kinds

    How is the BAKx with ground herb? Would it make sense to buy it if I only wanted to use it in this way? What makes this vape special in your opinion?
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    Completed [EU] Vapman classic olive 85€

    Selling Vapman classic olive in good condition, used less than 10 times. Purchased from LCV in May 2023. 85€ + shipping. I would prefer to ship to EU, but secondarily I could possibly evaluate other places as well. In the middle piece, at the wire mesh, the wood has darkened slightly having...
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    The Electropath

    Could someone tell me how the Electropath works with the Musa, or even Herborizer please? Instead use it with the ZX with a 14 to 18 adapter has anyone tried it? Also if they fit well, with a nice seal.
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