Recent content by Averyminya

  1. Averyminya

    Arizer Solo 3 vs Tinymight 2?

    I have the Air 1 and the Solo 2, as well as the Tiny Might. The Air 1 gets a little more thicker vapor but it's a little more roasted, the Solo 2 gets a bit wispier vapor and generally stays light even on extended sessions. I've been curious about how the Solo 3 fares in regards to the 10-15...
  2. Averyminya

    Any reason why I shouldn't vape all day every day?

    Funnily enough, I think it really depends on the users pacing and tolerance. I've roughly consumed the same amount of flower with the same effects every day since I switched to vaping. Some days far higher, some days lower, it's all about wants and needs. I have two rules that I follow though...
  3. Averyminya


    I make simple syrup from my AVB. Water cure well, fully dry, sift (for stray hair etc) + grind, & into cheesecloth it goes. I have a gallon zip-lock bag filled beyond the brim, so I don't really weigh the AVB used. For the simple syrup there's two ways to do it. The lazy way is faster, in my...
  4. Averyminya

    Are each new version of Dynavaps really an improvement?

    I definitely don't think so. I'm with Mare in that the SS 2018 or 2019 are probably the best functionally. They do what they do and that's about what you'd expect from them. The permathermachromatic ones (the '20 or '21s I can't remember) I am just not impressed with. The Shadow Ti needs a...
  5. Averyminya

    Scoop & tamping tools

    I got one of those $3 triple tamping tools from Amazon when I first started. It came with a leather sleeve (which I used with the Grasshopper for a short time.) Still have it today, acting as a temporary debowler in a mason jar lol
  6. Averyminya

    Just a wonderin'

    This sounds familiar. When I ordered him, maybe 3 years ago? I believe I never received a follow up email, but everything arrived just fine within only a couple weeks. It showed up in a plastic wrap envelop with about as much bubble wrap as would fit inside. It's likely just an automation...
  7. Averyminya

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    I can't find it at the moment but a few pages back there were 3-5 sites posted that when I checked a few weeks ago all had baskets. IIRC Canada might have The Herbal Cafe with stock in some baskets. Last year I bought the last of their baskets (sorry guys) but if I'm not mistaken that was...
  8. Averyminya

    PLENTY Vaporizer

    Sadly my unit is this way. No Velcro/releasable zip ties for my unit, just tactile responses from the unit which for a while made it feel inconsistent. I've got the hang of it now though, especially after reading through here about how it cools down for a bit :) That said, I checked out the mod...
  9. Averyminya

    Discontinued Hopper io

    I just saw that MaxVapor's site with the IO adapter, but it's $99 if it's even being sold (though it seems it can be purchased.) I definitely recommend the PA, for the original at least. It mitigates the battery issue entirely for the cosmetic trade which is a no-brainer. That said, I did...
  10. Averyminya

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    Gotta tell my story, again (Hi all! It's been... a long time since I've been in this thread, and here in general!) I was was /u/averyminya on Reddit before I deleted my account there (Reddit will say I'm banned but I just purged my account) and I was an early backer back in 2013, fully prepared...
  11. Averyminya

    Choosing an Ultrasonic

    I've done that before too! That's definitely the way it should be done! I just.. well I've just found that for my unit to cover the screens/mesh baskets it ends up being roughly the same amount as what I fill the baggie with... add in some spite and.. Admittedly, it's lazy but it hasn't seemed...
  12. Averyminya

    PLENTY Vaporizer

    I need to get in on this modding for the Plenty it seems. I got one used for a great price ($85 IIRC?) a couple years and I've been overall a little let down - it definitely has its place as a party vape but the temperature along with always having to click the button was a bit of a pain for the...
  13. Averyminya

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    I always keep my VapeXhale EVO nearby even if I don't use it every month, I always come back to it and have the same experience. Something about it is just unparalleled, although ball-vapes come closer the external heating element is always a drawback for me! I have been using mine the last...
  14. Averyminya

    Choosing an Ultrasonic

    I got a cheapo one from Bezoson and for its purposes it works fine. It was from the Magnasonic brand. It's 20oz/600mL total size, so it can fit a small ash catcher - stems are no problem. That said, I do not recommend mine. Because of that, I actually do have some things you should watch out...
  15. Averyminya

    Grasshopper AC Adapter Kit (and 18650)

    Of course can't leave my buddy without his info :D and I too like it's weight, I actually went on a walk last night and brought my Grasshopper with me and used an 18650 with the sled. In my room, heatup time is closer to the 5 second range any time I use the sled, that could be due to my age...
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