Recent content by Astromaddie

  1. Astromaddie

    The Firefly 2 vaporizer

    I hate to "bump" but can anyone help me with this? I really can't find much in the way of comparisons between the FF2 and UD on the internet
  2. Astromaddie

    The Firefly 2 vaporizer

    I searched and hadn't seen this discussed much, but I'm curious how this compares to an Underdog? I know they're both convection, with one being a desktop and one being a portable. Instant on and temperature control is a huge advantage imo, and while portability would be convenient, it'll be...
  3. Astromaddie

    The Magic-Flight Box

    I got my Orbiter on Monday and the PA yesterday! The PA is amazing, super comfortable to use and I immediately like it better than the batteries, not only for the even power discharge, but the lower profile makes it so much comfier to press in. I'm really glad I held out for the 2.4, because I...
  4. Astromaddie

    The Magic-Flight Box

    I think it has the same power settings as 2.0, just sone design tweaks to the build (like no more power button) so that's good to know! And thanks for the tip on the Orbiter. I'd probably fill it up quite a bit otherwise. Is it hard to control draw speed using the Orbiter?
  5. Astromaddie

    The Magic-Flight Box

    So today, my power adapter (2.4β!) and orbiter are arriving!! Any tips I should know about using both/either?
  6. Astromaddie

    Cleaning burnt glassware?

    Update! The extended iso soak didn't really make much more of a difference but holy shit did a ten minute PBW soak fix it up sparkling clean! That stuff is pure magic, I'm sold on it. Thank you for the suggestion!!
  7. Astromaddie

    Cleaning burnt glassware?

    The problem with just steel wool is that a lot of the scorching is somehow inside of the glass and I wouldn't be able to get the wool inside there
  8. Astromaddie

    Cleaning burnt glassware?

    Wow, that looks like magic. I'll definitely pick some up if/when Barkeeper's Friend fails on me this afternoon!
  9. Astromaddie

    Cleaning burnt glassware?

    Hey everyone, so I picked up a used SSV recently and dear lord did the previous owner do a number to it. :o The whip bowl and the glass surrounding the heating element are full of crusted-on burnt residue. I've got it soaking in a sealed tub of iso, but as of last night (~4 hours soaking) it...
  10. Astromaddie

    Zephyr Ion vs SSV

    Thanks for the advice, everyone!! I ended up going for the SSV, picked it up today :D it looks to be in really nice shape, came with a bunch of extra screens, the aroma cup, the regular glass whip, and an extra whip...which is good, because the first whip, and both glass pieces, are absolutely...
  11. Astromaddie

    Zephyr Ion vs SSV

    Hmm, really, restrictive as in hard to pull through? The SSV does look like a really nice device, and as an mflb owner too, I was thinking it would complement it nicely. The $150 Ion is used from a private seller, but it looks to be in great condition, so I was strongly considering it! Thanks...
  12. Astromaddie

    Zephyr Ion vs SSV

    I know, I know, big difference: one's a bag vape, one's a whip. But since the Zephyr can be a whip vape too, and I'm looking at two good deals right now to get a SSV for $100 or a Zephyr Ion for $150... This is a discussion I wanted to have! I've read a lot about both vapes, but I haven't seen...
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