Recent content by Ariwe

  1. Ariwe

    TinyMight / TM 2

    Great review! I love mine as well. Curious which basket screens you are using?
  2. Ariwe

    SAML Glass

    I broke my SAML Klein Incycler I've been using since 2021 :( I knocked it with another bubbler I was cleaning. Oh well. Ordered this guy last night as a replacement: I had the yinming5 version, but the...
  3. Ariwe

    Glass Vapes From The Rogue Wax Works

    Very interested!
  4. Ariwe

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    I’ve ordered from them before. Excellent quality although not the thickest glass. Sure it was something you posted long ago in this thread :lol:
  5. Ariwe

    Best scoop for ground herb?

    This is a good one, I kept mine when I sold my Roffu. :cool: I ordered the two metal ones from Amazon, will report back!
  6. Ariwe

    The J-hook thread!

    Almost succumbed to one of these earlier but ended up ordering a GVB U Hook instead. I’ll definitely get one eventually, curious to see the stuff he comes up with!
  7. Ariwe

    Anvil by Vestratto

    I tried preheating without the bowl but it was hard to “drop in.” Curious about how you approach that? For what it’s worth, I get an even roast with a full timer on the wand and the half bowl. About the same for the full bowl. The XL bowl requires less heat for me, usually I can set it to 765...
  8. Ariwe

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    Love that THG piece. Excellent quality and works with all my vapes. Can’t really recommend it enough!
  9. Ariwe

    The J-hook thread!

    These are my dream! Pricey though... :( and wish they were 14mm.
  10. Ariwe

    American Glass

    Just wanted to recommend this Purr Excellent function, tiny, 14mm. I got mine for more than 50% off on eBay but there are some deals around. I'm not sure I'd pay full price, but if you can get a discount it's 100%...
  11. Ariwe

    Tempest Or Anvil

    Anvil has been labeled primarily convection, with some conduction, in the past. A recent post in the thread mentioned the XL bowl tends more to conduction because of the added mass. By that logic, the Half Bowl would be more convection. Speaking from experience – I use the Half Bowl if I want a...
  12. Ariwe

    The J-hook thread!

    Yes! Got one after seeing it in the Lotus thread. It’s a nice art piece and pairs well with the Lotus.
  13. Ariwe

    The J-hook thread!

    Found a couple of cheap 14mm dry pipes on eBay in case anyone is interested: (There is a navy blue and green version also available from this and another seller.) I ordered a variation on the first one... really like...
  14. Ariwe

    American Glass

    I was close to buying this the other day! And almost went ahead today, but it looks super crooked in the second photo on their site :-( This one looks nice too. I prefer the duotone logo...
  15. Ariwe

    Camouflet Inductor Giveaway - What Camouflet creation would you pick to pair with your Inductor!?

    My guess is: 9 I'd pair the Inductor with the standard Convector. Thanks for the giveaway!
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