Recent content by archangelz001

  1. archangelz001

    The Magic-Flight Box

    PM Thanks. I ended up getting the 4-pack for $7.54. I scraped off the “sticker” with a knife for the first one. The 2nd one I figured out how to release the cover from its edge starting at the top and it then peeled off in one piece quickly. These 2 are much more powerful than the the 8-9 yr...
  2. archangelz001

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Fantasies of what might be aside, where do you get batteries? And what mAh? Do we even know what the MFLB batteries are? I have a couple of the gold batteries they sold a few years ago that are still working but require charging after clearing three 0.10gm trenches to about 80% toasted ( I don’t...
  3. archangelz001

    The Magic-Flight Box

    What are the best commercially available NiMH Rechargeable AA Batteries for the Launch Box?
  4. archangelz001

    California Cannabis News

    I live in Redwood City. There are 5 open dispensaries now.
  5. archangelz001

    Vapes in use: MFLB , Pax3, SwiftPro, Boundless CRV, EDIT Convector

    Vapes in use: MFLB , Pax3, SwiftPro, Boundless CRV, EDIT Convector
  6. archangelz001

    The Magic-Flight Box

    My first vape was MFLB. Over the past 7-8 years I’ve used it rarely, preferring the ease of use my other vapes. But a couple of months ago I charged up some batteries and now use it 50% of the time. It is a very efficient cannabinoid and terpene extractor. Tasty, stony, and enjoyable. It’s a...
  7. archangelz001

    Age of the FC Community plus a lot of nostalgia

    Oldie but a goodie. First took a hit in April '65. Stopped regular use in '72 when I learned TM. Prostatectomy in Jan 2014 put me back on the road of medical cannabis. Now I grow my own :myday::brow::brow:
  8. archangelz001

    California Cannabis News

    Yes, that is $400 lb for growers. They can’t survive with those prices.
  9. archangelz001

    Sativa lovers

    @RustyOldNail Yes, I remember reading that on Leafly some time ago. A conclusion could be that the sedative properties of all cultivars of cannabis are due to myrcene. And we know that some “indicas” with greater concentrations of pinene, limonene, and beta-caryophyllene can be somewhat...
  10. archangelz001

    Sativa lovers

    @Bologna this is my experience: so-called Indica strains low in myrcene and higher in limonene and pinene definitely provide more of a head high.
  11. archangelz001

    Sativa lovers

    It’s pointless. So… Back to what is your favorite sativa and why? “I researched it on the internet” only slightly prepared me to deal with the real world issues that came up growing outdoors from seed in my backyard. Some people are like a backseat driver who doesn’t know when to just STFU...
  12. archangelz001

    Sativa lovers

    @GoldenBud Im sure your intentions are good but it is time to back off. You are not a grower and have no personal experience. I, like most homegrowers, have read that kind of information and know much of that stuff already. I keep bees too and the saying we have is if you ask ten beekeepers...
  13. archangelz001

    Sativa lovers

    @GoldenBud thanks Here it is from last year: Arcata TrainWreck
  14. archangelz001

    How to post photos?

    Used to be instructions somewhere. Can't find it. Help? Edit... found it. Admins you can delete this post.
  15. archangelz001

    Sativa lovers

    @GoldenBud my whole post was about growing outdoors, both autos and photos. I live in Calif and have no place nor desire to grow indoors. If I did I wouldn't grow autos. I don't have, currently, a way to directly upload or link a photo. Too much bother.
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