Recent content by alldayyy

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    My secret to THC E-Cig PG-Liquid... Potent, Effective, Cheap, Easy!!!

    Hello, I've read through the forums with great interest and I have a few questions. I'm looking to be able to use my BHO in a standard 510 ecig a la O-Pen. What is the best to go about mixing the BHO with the pg/vg? should I use ejmix? I'm also looking to add flavor to it. When do i add the...
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    Davinci by Karma

    How many draws do you guys get off a lightly packed lower chamber?
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    Davinci by Karma

    ok guys... i just had a full days use (or not use) of the davinci. i charged the thing overnight, unplugged it from charger at 11AM and had a 4 hit session there and brought it out with me. At 1PM I had my next session, this time a 6-8 hit session. Battery completely drained here down to 1 bar...
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    Davinci by Karma

    Hello everyone. This is my first post here, first off let me say thank you all for all your work here. I mostly smoke blunts, hit the pipe occasionally, and bongs in rare instances. I've also had a few experiences with different vapes: iolite, ploom, volcano and more recently the mflb, though...
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