
Hi ! I guess not that much people will read this little brief about me and my current life so I will keep it short.

Despite my love for writing I never finished a book, I smoke too much camnnabis since I'm young and that gave me ideas as much as it destroyed my will. Now I work in digital marketing on the web and I stopped smoking totally. Thanks to the legalisation of CBD I tried it and the taste is enough to remind me those good times and fullfill my appetite.

What else ? I love videos games, I'm often anxious in the middle of crowds which is mostly why I do use some cbd oils sometimes, I have a cat and an appartment in Bruxelles.
My Vapes and Accessories
Pax 3 and the ALL Mighty by Storz and Bickel
Vaping, reading, eating


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    Somebody out there reacted positively to one of your messages. Keep posting like that for more!
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