Recent content by AegonT

  1. AegonT

    How much bud do you vaporize in an average day of use?

    Between half and 1 gram per day. Average about an OZ per month as i use more at weekend or if someone comes round sometimes. A few years back i was smoking an OZ per week. The e-nano was a masssive help to me when i ghave up tobacco, that thing has saved me soooo much money.
  2. AegonT

    Arizer ArGo

    Had mine a couple of days now (it took 18 days to get to me in the UK) , i like it, but its a bit underwhelming to be honest. Its basically a slimmed down air/solo. I love the size. Im not keen on the soft plastic, the metal top part feels so much better. I think the moving parts could...
  3. AegonT

    Arizer ArGo

    Mines been stuck in customs for about 10 days now :-(
  4. AegonT

    Growing forums

    Which growing forums do the growers of FC frequent please? Do you know of any that don't censor their users posts? I have been a member of a couple so far but they always seem to have issues with links to other sites due to mainly financial reasons and i hate that. Are their any uncensored...
  5. AegonT

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    It will be labeled as a candle holder ;)
  6. AegonT

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    I just gave it a go and it wasn't as tricky as i thought it would be. I might have a use for this piece yet. :tup:
  7. AegonT

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    Thanks for the replies folks, i messaged steven to ask if the mouthpiece was supposed to be at that angle, but they seem to have missed what i was asking and with the language barrier i cant see me being able to explain. Oh well, ill just chuck this in the cupboard or give it away or something...
  8. AegonT

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    Do any of you guys have this piece? Mine arrived yesterday, im not keen on it, I have to bend down really low to use it. In the pic from Steven the mouthpiece seems to be at 45 degree angle, mine is at about 30 degrees. I was wondering if the angle of my mouthpiece is standard or if i maybe...
  9. AegonT

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Dont worry about it mate, I think most of us were a bit impatienemt waiting for the nano. I know I was :-) You won't be disappointed when it arrives!
  10. AegonT

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    Just noticed my order has been updated to dispatched from sorting depot today, ordered on the 8th, so two weeks tomorrow and it hasn't left china yet. Last one took 10 days total, i guess they are busy with xmas.
  11. AegonT

    Why would someone NOT vape at the highest temperature?

    All three of my vapes would make me cough hysterically on the highest temps.
  12. AegonT

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Me too, which is why i would buy two different vapes rather than two of the same :p
  13. AegonT

    E-Nano from Epickai

    It came across as though shaolinmilk was thinking about buying two because two is a similar price to one cloud evo. Which is a really silly reason to buy two. Obviously there are scenarios where two would be handy...
  14. AegonT

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Why do you need more than one nano? You are comparing two Apples to an Orange i think.
  15. AegonT

    Brand new to vaporizers. Can I go from combustion to vaping without a tolerance break?

    It's not necessary at all, I did it recently after smoking for 20 years. If you want to stop you will do.
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