I got a deletion message my post in the FuckYou Thread. , Thankyou for leaving /replacing it if you fished it out and put it back
If not, ThankyouForFuckYou !
Curious why my 'Sugar' post in the 'is dry herb vaping healthy' thread was deleted? responded to-TommyDee ''recent report on esophageal cancer...blaming it on hot tea''. Not a complaint,anything specific i said that was innapropriate/wrong please tell me so i can avoid deletions. Hurts to type, arthritis.
Hey paka, hope this finds you well. I did a search for a thread about the Zion vape and couldn't seem to find a dedicated thread (maybe I missed something). Is there such a thread?
How would I go about becoming an Accessory Maker? I'd like to start a thread about my Vapcap stems that I'm creating and want to sell some to other members.
I know this might seem like a total waste of your time, but I really wanted to point out how amusing your "location" on your profile information was. "other side of your screen"...?! That is witty, and totally clever I absolutely loved it! lol I truly appreciate blunt humor ...
Hey there not sure what happened today but I'm not able to respond to any posts on the forum while using my phone, it gives me a reply option but there is no text box to type, any ideas? I didn't change anything
I notice many members have their vapes listed under their messages. I have tried plugging stuff into the status box, but nothing shows uo anywhere. What am I doing wrong?