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  • I've noticed you also own the Haze. Which do you prefer for vaping dry bud? How well does the Haze vape wax/shatter? Would you recommend owning both? I've been very interested in the Haze, almost ready to pull the trigger on it. Sorry for all the questions, I just wanted someone's opinion from the Ascent Thread. Thanks a lot.
    It is really hard because I really like the ascent. I would say it's similar to ascent on flowers but has the capability to vape shatter/wax better than 90% of vapes out there. The other 10% is w9 products
    Hi man, hope things are good. Some guys on this forum can be a bit rude, pay em no mind. Guys like us will keep giving our info to try and help other users. Keep doin your thing man. All di best.
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    Reactions: mixchu69
    Thanks. Really appreciate it. There are a lot of good ppl here.
    No problem. Yes there are good ppl here, I believe we are two of them.
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