@RastaBuddhaTao can people that preordered add a second Zion to their order when we get a notification email or only batteries, stems, etc?
@RastaBuddhaTao can people that preordered add a second Zion to their order when we get a notification email or only batteries, stems, etc?
I'm hoping that an extra unit here or there would not disrupt production. How many people from the preorder would want to add units to their order, +/- 5%? Also, I don't care when the second one ships, I just want to know if I can add another to my order and what price it would be. I dont want to fight with my wife over this thing and would prefer one just for her.
@virtualpurple im fairly certain RBT has said you can edit/change accessories when you get your confirmation email, which is why I'm asking about adding a second unit.
I appreciate what you are saying about added delays from people adding to their GH orders, but I would gladly wait for the second unit until preorders are filled. It would be a nice gesture to let those of us who have preordered, and patiently waited, to get another unit at our preorder price.
When your gong sticks to your nano as you pull it off and falls on your JUST recently cleaned desk. <<<<
I love my desktops but really hate them at the same time. I can't wait for the Zion to break these chai-... I mean cords.
Here's a song that uses 5 power chords. (Brainstew not jaded)
Works for my current state.
I know I just see it being waaay more manageable
That glass on glass. The simple slide.
It's just I really think the Zion should be the perfect all round home/portable vape, and I've been missing that since I've sold my air. I'm super excited for a reason.
Todays exciting discovery:
The Goode Johnny Zion & a VXL Hydrabomb is a full on, smooth yet extremely flavoursome affair!
Smooth tasty clouds so easily ripped with such a quality piece of glass.
I knew it was good with the Evo but then, that's where I started out with that unit. With Johnny however, I've used a lot of other attachments, but I have now discovered that for me, the Hydrabomb & the Zion married with a bent 18.8mm male2male adapter are a heavenly new-age pair!
Oh brothers & sisters I'm looking forward to more of this - especially with what's to come!
I hope y'all are having a great weekend!
Today's exciting discovery:
The Goode Johnny Zion & a VXL Hydrabomb is a full on, smooth yet extremely flavoursome affair!
Smooth tasty clouds so easily ripped with such a quality piece of glass.
I knew it was good with the Evo but then, that's where I started out with that unit. With Johnny however, I've used a lot of other attachments, but I have now discovered that for me, the Hydrabomb & the Zion married with a bent 18.8mm male2male adapter are a heavenly new-age pair!
Oh brothers & sisters I'm looking forward to more of this - especially with what's to come!
I hope y'all are having a great weekend!
Pics or it didn't happen.
Okay okay! I was just making sure y'all were paying attention! Well done Karma - 5 points to you for noticing that I posted in the thread without a single picture! Which as you know is virtually unheard ofPics or it didn't happen.
Says the guy with one of the Only 3 production units in the wild who wasn't posted one picture
I think @IAmKrazy2 is going to beat both you and @stickstones to the punch. Oh well, guess I'll have to make my own video?
@RastaBuddhaTao please take note of @fluffhead's request. I feel like that would be an appropriate way to give people a ballpark idea of where they fall into line without requiring you to contact every single person. I think that the question of "Which number am I" is a common one on this thread and simply knowing where one sits in the pecking order would alleviate some anxiety for folks.
Yes, now that production has started we can inform the initial customers to ensure that have all they need and verify their shipping address as well as let the Lifers know there place in line. Thanks to all for your patients for allowing the time to make sure your Zion everything the Z-Team demanded. To be honest, reviewing and revising the design and production process for months chasing perfection was very painful. However, having the Zion nearly perfect at launch will more than make up for the lost revenue with solid reliability and customer satisfaction.