Right, so 2 days ago I received my ddave 18mm kit. I have been waiting to post a review but wanted to give it a thorough testing first. I had proper nailed the stock set up, and was very happy with it, so the kit had much to do to impress me.
When I got in from work I rushed straight to my eq, put it on 220 @ fan for 10 mins with all glass attached to preheat. I loaded up the basket in the wand and went for it. To be honest I was dissapointed. I felt like I could get better hits stock.
Anyway I spoke to the wizard himself, who then hade testing various combinations to help findy set up. After a full tall adapter and 3 baskets in different configs, I was knocked out. Iv never vaped so much in one night before. But never achieved my set up.
While I was doing this all I was also trying to watch memento. Which is a confusing film.
Day 2. I rushed home from work yesterday and fired up the eq. This time I have replaced the ddave tubing with my smaller diameter silicone tubing. And this time I loaded the short adapter. This works amazing for me. I get a good hours worth of vaping. Producing huge, flavoursome clouds all the way from 170 to 210. The best vaping experience iv had so far by a mile. I then loaded a basket and again massive beautiful clouds. All this while trying to watch memento again. Don't know if you have seen this film but after 2 days of ddave intoxication, I feel very much like the guy from memento. 'What am I doing?, oh yeah.'
I think my problems on day one were:-
1. Not used to larger diameter tube which messed up my technique, sure I would have cracked it eventually with this set up.
2. This is the most important mistake I think I made. I was so eager to get vapour that I rushed everything. I didn't allow it to perculate and I was drawing too fast. Being too keen.
So day 3 tonight. Can't wait to get home and perfect my set up even more. If possible. I'm so happy with my new upgrades. I'm not one for chopping and changing, I like one set of things that has their place and are cleaned every night. I think I am unlikely to ever use the tall adapter, as the short works so well. I love the instant clouds, and the evenly vaped material. With stock setup my avb had dark brown and green bits all from the same load, even with stiring. Now with ddave my avb is a nice even mid brown all over.
I had some slight delay with my order and the slight teething problems on day one. Ddave has been a true vaping wizard and had helped me throughout, so many many thanks to you ddave for being so friendly and helpful with an annoying amature. I imagine you have felt like banging you head on the wall sometimes.

If you own an eq without the ddave mod I can assure you that you are not getting the full experience. This is indeed a mighty upgrade. Many thanks again to ddave and all who have advised me.
Happy vaping. Fuck combustion.
P.s. longest post I ever made. Sorry.