Hello again folks, I have 24 hours on the “FIX”. So let me start by saying OOPS! Fix is too strong of a word as this is helping the issue I am currently experiencing, but unfortunately it is not a “FIX”. The real fix will need to come from
@TherealVaporblunt &
@Engineering. This will all make sense once you finish this next BarnBoy Series installment…
First some sad news to report today. This morning the BarnBoy was reaching out for his PNP on the well photographed barn bench. While pulling the PNP closer, his shirt sleeve snagged the BB-Nipple/Teat Epic GonG off the bench, dropping it to the floor. It did not survive the fall…

(Rest In Pieces)
FYI the “FCLOVE” doesn’t appear to work (sorry
@herbivore21). There wasn’t an entry field when I placed the order for another one…
– The Primary Education
OK, when I discovered the crack, I was pissed. I wanted to rant, rave and go through all 5 stages: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. And after this weekend I think I can skip a couple and just head to acceptance; was in anger far too long. Below is a shot of the crack on my PNP back wall...
So my first step to become educated was to re-read every post from
@Engineering. This really is a recommended step in your 5 step process when this happens to you! He really has a number of excellent posts explaining the technology or “key search words” for your Secondary Education. Along the way in the read you will even find little gems of info from him like
this post where he tells us it’s OK to go push the screens down to stop the bullet from rattling.
When I was doing my research on my next vape back in early January 2014, I remember having concerns about the PNP being plastic and was really trying to find out what kind of heating element was inside, when I read
this post and basically stopped my research on the other vapes. What has me now is the final word! Here it is stated that…
One final comment: The heat in the PRO, even at 5 is nowhere close to melt temperature of PES. PES melts at 379 C or 714 F! That is WAY above the temps we use in any vaporizer. This is why I made the claim that it is not melting, and stick by that. I believe there is something happening that appears to be melting, still need to investigate further.
Remember my
post on PES material where I also showed a photo of my melted MP tip? Well it doesn’t say the glass transition temp is that high. And neither do the MSDS sheets
@Engineering published
Maybe Engineering confused F for C long ago, and then calculated F from the mistake to bring the glass transition temperature artificially higher. Actual transition temp is 225C (437F). Well below the ignition/burning temp of 450C (843F). So now for those who have actually read the MSDS, is anyone concerned that PES is a California Prop 65 material? If young and still planning to reproduce, maybe you should! Said device is sold in CA and doesn’t have any Prop 65 warnings. (Best Scooby-Doo voice) RUT-RO!
Engineering was very important in my quest for knowledge. Can't thank him enough for all of his posts!
- The Secondary Education
The next step was to take all these new learned terms: Creep, Rupture, Fracture, Crack, Melting, Glass Transition Temperature & PES plastic; shred these with some Google searches, then read and vape while the old lady did yet another weekend of car shopping. As an electrical guy, the BarnBoy has no business knowing about plastics, but I’m glad I did this exercise. And it may prove useful in my future, as knowledge is power! There is a ton of info out there on PES. It is getting heavily studied for fracture and why it happens so designs won’t fail. And of all of the things I read, the one that absolutely crippled me was from a book called
Application of Fracture Mechanics to Polymers, Adhesives and Composites by D.R. Moore. On page 8 there is a statement that brings all of our bad experiences to a reality…
Conditioning of an amorphous thermoplastic at or near to its Tg is known to reduce the free-volume in the material with the consequence of making the material stiffer and less ductile
Translation: the PNP will unfortunately rupture, crack, fracture and/or fall apart! So now I fully understand Engineerings last post,
where a complete redesign will be required…
To make you drool, the next BarnBoy on Cracks series installment will be on temperature measurements…