Dr. Soxhlet
SOLO Vaporized Cannabis is my Best Medicine
Modnote: The following six posts were moved from the Solo thread.
Yes it is!!!
By the way, I'm a legal Washinton State Medical Marijuana Patient and only produce these extracts for my own use.
Making your own medicine is tricky.
Whats nice is you control the cure to work well in the SOLO.
The better top shelf strains 4 is my level.
If my legally grown flowers vape at level 4 I believe I cured correctly. (slow cure)
I know there are many portable vaporizer that people adore. The reason I like my SOLO'S as much as I do is because I use them for reference points.
Just so happens I get medicated at the same time.
Making your own medicine is tricky
Yes it is!!!

By the way, I'm a legal Washinton State Medical Marijuana Patient and only produce these extracts for my own use.
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