Jacob Arnold
Nugking IG
could I get the tracking number man @therealvaporblunt
Sorry, i was out of the office today. You would have to pm me your shipping address and name, or you can call 818-231-0782 between 6am-6pm pst and they will supply you all the info you need.could I get the tracking number man @therealvaporblunt
Couldn't find anywhere to input the promo code. Also, if Canadians have to order from BOB are we eligible for discounts too?
Yes, it comes with the straw. It was designed for oils but works with flowers in that mode, however I would suggest you purchase a PonG kit for ideal flower use through a water .
I thought the regular 2.0 came with a GonG or PonG adapter?
Ok,I've been consistently using this cybernetic blunt for five days and I must say I'm in love with the thing, yet I am still poised with a couple questions/concerns. First off I immediately noticed problems with the stircap; I.E. all but one of the plastic prongs that hold the metal screen on my stir cap have melted and broke. This honestly would not be a huge problem to me if replacement caps didn't cost $40. This was one of the only faults I had with the VB1 and I was saddened to see a flimsy plastic stircap once again in this tool. Secondly, could someone please illustrate how to vape flowers using the glass straw setup? I'm inept and confused as hell. Thanks again all, this is a rad product riding the wave of the future!!!!
Wanted my first post to be a full review of the Vaporblunt , but I am still in the middle of thoroughly testing all of its abilities. However I did want to comment on some of the issues brought up by other posters.
I have experienced issues with the stir knob and EO bowl. I will be posting pictures with my review about the issues I have had. I do want others to know if they call the vapor blunt # and talk to Eric he can help you out. He seems to understand troubles and helps make it right. Seriously, the customer service stands out! All you got to do is call.
I know what it's like to be expecting a great vaporizer and getting disappointed when it doesn't perform (not going to throw mud) and I also know what it's like to be blown away with something that I had little expectations for (MFLB). The Vaporblunt has a lot going on for it, as it can be used so many different ways. I think the only reason a few of us are having issues with some of the smaller pieces is that it seems the maker was focused on the versatility making sure this vape could do it all, that some little things (a sturdier stir knob) may have slipped through the cracks. If the attitude of their customer service just wanting to make things right is any indication, I think this is something they will fix and won't continue to be an issue.
How I am testing now!
What is your issue with the EO bowl? Also, I do not see the 2.0 decal on the Water Tool, is it just the angle or did yours not come branded? It should have 2 decals that say "2.0 DLX" on the WT.
Because my EO bowl came like this, the glass straw does not go completely on, and I have issues attaching the "hydra tube" you see in this picture. The herb PonG works, still testing......but have not been able to test oils/waxes. I got your email saying you we're sending out my new bowl on Monday, and I appreciate it.
Spliff, I'm trying to send you a PM but I'm blocked by your security settings. Send me a PM so I can get you a tracking number and details of your replacement parts please
I have the exact same problem as the guy above ^ I think I might of got some defective parts too
I have two very important questions about my new vaporblunt 2.0. Ive had it for about three days and lately, when I inhale, my mouth gets tiny black spots that I can see when I spit. It seems like because its such a straight and narrow path little pieces are falling through the holes in the tin rim piece. Also, does the hydrotube work with you use ur "ingredient" in grinded form instead of oils?
I have not noticed anything in my mouth other than vapor..
What's your material like? ( guessing extra dry and super grind?) .
I have only been able to test the tube with Herb. Seems to have a bit of a draw learning curve in native form (typical), hydra tube seems to require a method/system to get best results. I want to be more thorough before my words get set in pixels.
When I get the oil bowl I will (hopefully) do a full review.
Did Eric call you today? I'm confused at whom we have been talking to, as both you and Jacob have said you had a problem yet we have only received 1 complaint. I assume it's you because it matches the timeline. Jacob, have you contacted CS regarding your issues?
No I did not call or receive a call "today" , I did call last Thursday, emailed on Friday for a tracking number, was told no tracking number because it was going to be sent out Monday (today). So now I am just waiting.
In light of this apparent confusion, I just sent another email to thevaporblunt@gmail, just to confirm everything is on track.
Thanks for checking into this matter though, I do appreciate it. I have been looking forward to the EO function of the VB since purchase, would also love to try the new PALM 2.0, but one thing at a time right.....thanks again
My email is vaporblunt1@gmail.com, cc me so I can follow your progress please. We unfortunately are 6 weeks away from the updated EO caps, your best solution will be to take the silicone part of with tweezers and then your PonG will fit and EO will work, the only downside is that your glass stem will not be hands free. If you find this solution unexceptable I will gladly send you an updated EO cap when it is available.
I am very disappointed in this problem and I would like to explain the problem in detail. The sample I approved did not have this issue. We added the Teflon in the 25th hour, so much so that sticks, pcp, stu, and OF's tester units did not have Teflon. The feedback I got from the betas urged me to try to make it hands free, and we tried, in hindsight, an ill advised design change way to late. So we went to an American manufacturer to produce the Teflon, and the sample he gave me versus the pieces that were delivered is not the same. The "New Teflon" is thinner and is bendable. These absolutely are not melted. Teflons melting point is 650+. Also, when your EO cap is hot it is very easy to manipulate. You should be able to get the glass on when it's hot. I apologize, but I do not have any way to get better parts until I can find a new Teflon guy that can deliver what he promises.
I really am at a loss, and bummed. Between this and the stir knob issues I had on day one.......... I understand when things "happen", and I am patient (as best as I can), but 6 weeks? @ 250$
I want a bowl / vape that works in all the ways I paid for, so I guess I gotta wait.
Thanks for the update I appreciate your candid honesty. Is this the same maker/ Teflon guy of the stir cap that needed to be replaced right off the bat?
Is the stir cap still getting its up date and will they be done around the same time?
For now just consider me patiently waiting for the new EO bowl, and a beefier stir cap.
Both are covered and will be covered by the warranty correct?
I will contact you via email
PonG comes with all 2.0 dlx, not basic 2.0. It also comes with each individually packaged WT's..
It will vary between which glass attachment you want. retail range for the 2.0 dlx will be between $399 and $499. As for the 2.0 it is still to be determined, but I am hoping to keep it at $249. It comes with the oil attachment, the glass straw for the oil attachment and the adapter to add on a whip or use it on your existing water pipe . I feel it is the most versatile machine on the market..[/FONT][/INDENT][/COLOR]
Yes, they are covered under warranty and I understand that you would like the EO cap sooner but there are somethings that are simply out of my hands. I was let down by a vendor that we have never used before, there isn't much I could have done differently other than think of the Teflon idea sooner. I apologize, I wish I could hand make you one. In the mean time, I strongly suggest removing the Teflon, as that was how it was initially designed and it worked good enough for me to approve it that way before we thought of the Teflon. Just a though