Phish Head
Since Sovereignty pieces tend to be very difficult to acquire (majority of the time), I thought I might share that early this morning, ALT(Aqua Lab Technologies) got some of the 'Natty Splash-Guard' Stemline Tubes in stock. First time in over a month I believe, for one that is non-DI. They also have some 'KING' tubes, as well as recyclers that go quickly. The Natty Stemlines, are of the more standard 75mm can-size & the 60mm as well. UP - Grid or DOWN - Grid. If you've been waiting to find a Sovereignty, I would head over there ASAP & order it!
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. I just want to get the word out as fast as possible, in case it can help anyone that has looked as long as I personally have (or simply interested in SG). Happy Bubbling 
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