Best scoop for ground herb?


Well-Known Member

What's the best scoop out there?
I need it to have a non-magnetic tip for use with my OMD AROMA-3 grinder.

I'm considering:
- TRWW ST04 XL Long Scoop & Tamp - In stock, weird shape but great price ($17)
- Vaping Fans Magnetic Scoop Tool from Vapefiend - Out of stock, good shape and good price (€22)
- tinymigh.t_bowl scoop - In stock, good shape but pricey ($32 w/ short handle, $40 w/ short & long)
- Old Head Measuring Spoon - In stock, weird shape and pricey ($40)
- Simrell Titanium Scoopy Scoop - Out of stock, good shape but too expensive (€92)
- Any others?


Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
3D printed nylon scoop from Delta 3D is still easily my favorite (I have the larger pax size however customized with round tamper and I also have the smaller grinder size however customized attached to Rogue wood handle) I also use my Rogue XL scoop a lot, just like the one you linked above, it is awesome with so many different vapes, I also have the round XL from Rogue although I prefer the Delta 3D nylon scoop to that (Rogue has his own 3D printed scoop called the OGB too) --these two in particular I also feel much more confident in supporting them personally...


Well-Known Member
These would be too big but they look good and are cheap,Mini-Washing-Spoon,Wooden-Spoon-12pcs/dp/B09MKJTKQQ/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?crid=QOTOPJB6FXZT&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.jUVRV7bMBeZV_Ab2a1XXt9lngA9MR4FU1merVNlxxVUDvajlO-5s50uXMVB5S4PFZX_0xrIJAxuIkxPpY2Rf0nidsfFIvD2T8jXeIPNA050jOb6b_YuGFz6HUoSE3N1MO5Zz2QPGMVTo6S6eU6j-KFP-5-7QQ2UxSFXPXK9DvA42tHO89OUE5V9At96IfUGcRBqjsBLVGsZKrVd7SOZT778UiAwDrwws2AtUjqhrZYqqGN1hOqXdQNsVxIi50DQ14Fo2rF0ppLnc_GuIlniDxQ8Q_uEufPtr5dPCOFpqsNE.eIaGTYDJZdREFTgfxktasz8QW7S5hWW168zQKs5jFGU&dib_tag=se&keywords=mini%2Bscoop%2Bfor%2Bsports%2Bpowders&sprefix=%2Caps%2C296&sr=8-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&th=1

also these could be good for measuring doses

as would these

Not the best suggestions i know but cheap and useful for the price. Also lots more metal scoops on Amazon.
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Well-Known Member
There are also these two from Vapvana

There is also the aluminum version from Simrell that costs less, although it is now sold out.

I just got the Tinymigh.t_bowl scoop, my first scoop, and I really like it. When you consider the quality - and as soon as you pick it up you can tell, it's much more substantial than the first two you listed for example - the material (SS 316L) and the design it doesn't seem too expensive to me, or at least no more than the others.

Maybe also consider what you'll need to use it for so that you get an appropriate size.


Feel like I’m winnin’ when I’m losin’ again
Scoopy scoop is my go to; OHTC measuring spoon with certain bowls/devices because it literally is a perfect measuring spoon.

I really like the look of the Vapvana one too, I thought I saw it for sale somewhere else too?


Well-Known Member
Delta 3D metal w/tamp for me, fingers don’t work so good anymore and it puts it where I want it though it is magnetic which I like as I have magnets holding everything. Never tried the nylon version. I have the Old Head and Vaping Fans, but unless the target is big they tend to make a mess especially with the Mighty for me. I see Delta 3D has made the scoop bigger and is very expensive now, VPM sells the old version at the old price.



Well-Known Member
I am a big fan of scoops that are well suited to certain bowls. Love the O'Connell scoop with my TKO and various bowls. And in general am a big fan of scoop and tamper combos. Rogue makes some great varieties of these. But overall, make sure the scoop of a good match for what it is feeding


Well-Known Member
Scoopy scoop is my go to; OHTC measuring spoon with certain bowls/devices because it literally is a perfect measuring spoon.

I really like the look of the Vapvana one too, I thought I saw it for sale somewhere else too?

Yes, literally two posts above the one about vapvana I posted about the them being for sale on the RVS website 😂😂😂

Edit, I will add this about the SQP, the tamp end has a smiley face on it which I think is a nice touch ✌️
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Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
I see Delta 3D has made the scoop bigger and is very expensive now, VPM sells the old version at the old price.

Some time ago he made an announcement about the price of the steel 3D printing going up so there's a limited time to get them at the old price point, I wonder how many stock VPM would have left, probably a good deal... Larger is nice at least maybe? I have the smaller one, poke version that I used to rely on, but I haven't used it in quite some time


Well-Known Member
Scoopy scoop is my go to; OHTC measuring spoon with certain bowls/devices because it literally is a perfect measuring spoon.

I really like the look of the Vapvana one too, I thought I saw it for sale somewhere else too?

The Simrell Scoopy Scoop is the only one I use daily. It has the perfect size and shape to fit in nearly all bowls. My go to for loading my desktops and the Venty. I like it so much that it is a part of my avatar picture :)
Living in europe the scoop is much more precious because it is hard to get Simrell stuff here.
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Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the input so far!

For reference my daily driver vape is the TM2 with a plain 18mm WPA using a rimless metal basket screen.

I normally use the straw method, but occasionally I need something like a scoop to sandwich some kief in between regular ground herb.

I'd also like to have a scoop to transfer ground herb from my OMD Aroma-3 grinder to smaller Jyarz Chico containers.

And I'm eyeing a potential purchase of a Lamart BAKx.
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Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the input so far!

For reference my family driver vape is the TM2 with a plain 18mm WPA using a rimless basket metal screen.

I find the mini SQP (see the posts above re vapvana and/or recommended vape supplies) is alright for loading a TM2 stem but I tend to prefer the straw method with this particular vape.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the input so far!

For reference my family driver vape is the TM2 with a plain 18mm WPA using a rimless basket metal screen.
The Scoopy Scoop fits perfect in the TM2 WPA. I use a WPA with a glass screen and the scoop reaches the glass screen and could go further in without the glass screen...The diameter of the scoop is just a little bit smaller than the inner diameter of the WPA (13mm).
But personally I do not use scoops to load my TM2 Stems/WPAs

If the titanium scoop is too expensive take a look at the Aluminum Scoopy Scoop it's much cheaper but it's sold out too at the moment.
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Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Thanks for all the input so far!

For reference my daily driver vape is the TM2 with a plain 18mm WPA using a rimless metal basket screen.

I normally use the straw method, but occasionally I need something like a scoop to sandwich some kief in between regular ground herb.

I'd also like to have a scoop to transfer ground herb from my OMD Aroma-3 grinder to smaller Jyarz Chico containers.

And I'm eyeing a potential purchase of a Lamart BAKx.

Yeah the Rogue XL long narrow is perfect for TM stems like that, and the tamp if you want to, it is perfect for many others... The Delta 3D works as well, I do prefer that one with the grinders honestly it is just easier quicker... However BAK is too narrow with the stems, the rogue scoop kind of works but you have to be very careful and the tamp will not fit... The Rogue OGB will though


(zombie) Woof.
I have a bunch of scoops and spoons that I like to use for different reasons... glass, metal, wood, even buffalo horn... but I have to say I prefer to use the 2 smallest sizes from this cheapo Temu set the most... for many other uses than the most obvious, too:

They are currently out of that specific 9-piece set but they have a 12-piece set that comes with 2 each of those same sizes, I believe, for a couple of more dollars:

Green Kiwi

Well-Known Member
Delta 3D metal w/tamp for me, fingers don’t work so good anymore and it puts it where I want it though it is magnetic which I like as I have magnets holding everything. Never tried the nylon version. I have the Old Head and Vaping Fans, but unless the target is big they tend to make a mess especially with the Mighty for me. I see Delta 3D has made the scoop bigger and is very expensive now, VPM sells the old version at the old price.

also;Delta3D metal w/tamp, is my absolutely, unmissable vape tool.:rockon:.
from Dyna bowls to crafty/mighty bowls, too volcano hybrid, too "de verdamper",to the V3PRO it is brilliant on every job.:love:.


Calm Consistency
Truly ... a 1/4 tsp scooper from my kitchen drawer.
For a stir/tamper, one of those tiny screwdrivers that don't have a handle, they have a flat bottom. Perfect all in 1 stir/tamp for a buck.
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