What's been you're most noticeable improvement from FC?

Truth Seeker

Well-Known Member
I think a lot of us have different responses to quitting combustion but what's been the most noticeable improvement for you? There's an older thread going over the same topic but it's always good to have a fresh perspective and the science and knowledge on this topic keep improving as the years go by , so what's been your greatest benefit of avoiding combustion and going with vaping?


Land of the long vapor cloud
For me No. 1 would be a lot less smell(discretion)

Followed close by being more gentle on my lungs.

But there are so many more great benefits damn it!

Easier on the pocket.

As already mentioned, amazing flavor.

Great ritual.

Easy to control dosage.

Temp stepping for effects.


Well-Known Member
Number 1 is the smell, vaping smells nicer and also smell is gone in a few minutes. The high feels cleaner to me also. My are not all red, nose stuffy, and alot less coughing too! Flavor is excellent!

Oh a no more burnt finger tips from holding and smoking roaches! Lol


Fucking Combustion (mostly) Since February 2017
#1 For me is amount of material used. I live in an unfriendly state, so conservation of product is #1.
When vaping, I use less than a quarter (maybe even less than an eighth!) of what I used to use when smoking to get the same high.

After that is taste....then the fact that it's a shitload healthier than burning plant matter.


Well-Known Member
#1 For me is amount of material used. I live in an unfriendly state, so conservation of product is #1.
When vaping, I use less than a quarter (maybe even less than an eighth!) of what I used to use when smoking to get the same high.

After that is taste....then the fact that it's a shitload healthier than burning plant matter.

yes this is so true these devices are super efficient, using the least amount of herb yet your are getting full impact of effects. my dynavap m 2019 always surprises me by how high I get with such a small amount of herb, she slaps me silly every time.

id like to mention time too, vaping is so much quicker then rolling up, trying to finding papers and matches, finding somewhere to roll up and smoke. I use dosing pods with my mighty and plenty super convenient, just pop in a pod, if I need more just pop out the old one, pop in a new one. with stores a bickle loading kit I can load 40 dosing caps in less then 10 minutes, now that is on demand vaping!


Well-Known Member
#1 Flavour! running super terpy and unique flavour medical strains unlocks a whole new dimension to the herb.
#2 Effect and cost! Hits harder on smaller amounts and starting from low temps to strip the terps out first and then toasting through temp steps (Tubo is a brute for that) to high heat for a knock out blow. cost isn't realy an issue as i'm self sufficient, but for alot f people, especially in the UK, prices are fucked up for what you get.
#3 Smell and concern with neighbours! vape in the kitchen with the front and back windows open and the smell has completely gone after 10 mins... depending on the strain and how much i've gone through in a session. as soon as vapour hits fresh air it's dissipated.
#4 Medical benefits! my wife is an aroma therapist and i'm and amateur herbalist so pinning down certain favonoids and terpenoids for specific effects and symptom relief (I suffer from chronic localised pain and Fibromyalgia as well as other medical issues) is very easy and it works so much better and faster than pain meds and just smoking the stuff.


Child Of The Revolution
My lung function has improved. I'm asthmatic, and regularly have lung function tests. Since I started vaping there has been a notable improvement in my numbers. Not just over smoking, but even compared to before I started using cannabis. There have been other benefits, but breathing easier is the most noticeable.


Vaping since 2010
#1 it’s easier on the lungs than combusting
#2 more efficient
#3 taste, no more kissing ash trays
#4 I like gadgets and vapes are really cool gadgets that get you high and each are different in their own way providing a different ritual, flavor and experience with the same herbs


Land of the long vapor cloud
My lung function has improved. I'm asthmatic, and regularly have lung function tests. Since I started vaping there has been a notable improvement in my numbers. Not just over smoking, but even compared to before I started using cannabis. There have been other benefits, but breathing easier is the most noticeable.

That is so cool!

no more kissing ash trays



Well-Known Member
#1 it’s easier on the lungs than combusting
#2 more efficient
#3 taste, no more kissing ash trays
#4 I like gadgets and vapes are really cool gadgets that get you high and each are different in their own way providing a different ritual, flavor and experience with the same herbs

oh man ya mon, your number 4 is a big one for me and I did not realize this until you mentioned it. I love playing with all kinds of gadgets, i like to figure them out, mess with them, learn how they work and when she works as advertised its very satisfying for me.

here is another good one, my friends love me more today because I let them try all my devices and a week later they have the same device!!! lol, 1 friend picked up a mighty, another picked up an mv1, 3 of my friends picked up dynavaps, and 2 of my friends picked up splinter z and splinter, another picked up a plenty after he tried to buy it from me but I will never sell that one! its all my fault I know! lol!


Well-Known Member
The only time I cough now is if I have too huge a potent hit! Or inhale some water!
I hear people that still smoke wheezing and choking so bad all the time it's terrible, I used to be the same.

And every time it rains they pick up a cough virus, and I never again want that taste of smoke/cigs while you have a virus ugh!!!

I feel I'm a better influence on others, and those ashtrays were SO ugly and smelly.

One thing I love too is not needing cigarettes, papers, lighters, or anything at a shop late at night really!

I'll surely keep more teeth if I'm careful, no more brown teeth marks and my dental and healthcare people are glad.

Thanks FC!

Truth Seeker

Well-Known Member
I can't believe how high one can get!
Lung function is very important. That’s why I came here in the first place back in 2013 I believe. Suffered a collapsed lung.
from combusting pot? Or were you a tobacco dude too?

I’ve never heard of a collapsed lung from smoking reefer?
Truth Seeker,
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Well-Known Member
I can't believe how high one can get!

from combusting pot? Or were you a tobacco dude too?

I’ve never heard of a collapsed lung from smoking reefer?

no one knows exactly why. But I was ripping half gram bong hits and holding in for 30 seconds. I was smoking cigarettes real heavily. Sadly I’m back to smoking cigarettes due to issues with the wife.


Talk to the Beard
Vaping is cleaner, easier, less stinky, less coughing, less congestion, fire-free, and the devices needed to vape well are very very cool :nod:

As for the FC forums, this was my original source of info about how to vape and what vape to buy. Since joining 5 yrs ago, I've used FC to research every vape I've every bought.

Truth Seeker

Well-Known Member
no one knows exactly why. But I was ripping half gram bong hits and holding in for 30 seconds. I was smoking cigarettes real heavily. Sadly I’m back to smoking cigarettes due to issues with the wife.
I’m very sorry to hear about that! I hope you’re able to kick the tobacco habit pretty soon. I sure do you understand the stress reliever when going through tough times. It’s good to have a forum like this where you can speak get support from like-minded individuals that are understanding.
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Staff member
I'm probably an outlier as I definitelay go through more material vaporizing than I ever did combusting.

I believe the flavor and discretion of vaporizing make it easier to get carried away.

I resemble this remark. I have noticed this trend in the friends I have turned on to vaping too. It starts with them using less but after a handful of months the amount increases.
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