Who stands up for marijuana?

Honey Bear

Well-Known Member
Standing up politically is awesome, but right now I am talking about standing up in one's daily life.

While I do not go around flaunting at every opportunity that I think highly of marijuana, I make no effort to hide it. I think that being open about it is good for me, insofar as allowing me to be open about how I live my life, and is also a good way to take down walls of ignorance.

We all see it: so many humans have a very strange fear thing going on with marijuana.

Sometimes, friends who know I enjoy marijuana will approach me uncomfortably, asking if I could be more prudent with it, i.e. not enjoying it in public in ways that make them or others uncomfortable, or could I not discuss it so openly.
I am not going to blow smoke in anybody's face (well, maybe vapor ;)) but I am not going to hold any fear within myself for the sake of other people's misguided discomfort.

I have found that by far the best course of action is to take some peaceful moments to explain to these uncomfortable folks the positive role that marijuana plays in my life.

I say: Look, first and foremost, it is a plant. It has chemical constituents in it, most importantly THC, that I find to be not only pleasant but wonderful for my brain. It helps me to break break down mental barriers and expand, in positive ways, the way that I think and use my brain. Many people who you respect for their intelligence and creativity, let alone me, the human that is your friend standing here talking to you, have very legitimate reasons for choosing to include marijuana in their lives.
Furthermore, I choose to enjoy it via vaporization. More than ever, it is clear that marijuana is not some big bad scary drug. You take some plant matter, you take a nifty and creative device that allows hot air to pass over the plant matter, extracting the beneficial chemical compounds, and then inhale the air.

I take a lot of pleasure in spreading the truth about marijuana. While I never pressure people to try it, I have found that by taking on the truth-spreading role that I have, a number of friends have tried vaporizing marijuana with me, done so with a positive attitude, and have had a wonderful time (obviously!).

Anyways, just wanted to share with you all the pleasure I find in sharing the truth about marijuana in subtle, positive ways to the people in my life, breaking down barriers of fear both in myself and others.
Would love for you all to share as well.
Honey Bear,
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