When you are dry- try this (re-vaping)


Well-Known Member
OK, so I tried Valerian on its own this morning - nice calming effect at 200 °C so I'll mix some in with ABV this evening - the taste isn't great though, not like mint, but the combined effect should be chill :peace:


Well-Known Member
I tried revaping my ABV at higher temp (from 6.2-6.3 on the e-nano to 7 or 8) but didn't notice any dense vapor. I get maybe 1 or 2 flimsy hits. It can be enough to give me a little high if I didn't vape that day. But at 6.2-6.3, I usually vape my bowl thoroughly. When I end my bowl at 6.2-3, there's nothing left in the ABV, basically no more vapor left. The abv turn from dark brown to black but only produces flimsy vapor. I often use a light beside me making sure there's no more vapor left at 6.2. So maybe it's not surprising there's almost nothing left when I try to revape my abv at higher temp.
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Well-Known Member
Anything I vape up to 195°C goes in the ABV jar. I prefer fresh weed but I'll hit the ABV when I'm not worried about the taste, just the effect. I find it harder to know just how high I'll get (there's different batches at different temperatures in there, with a little bit of fresh stuff for taste) but it often blows me away @ 205 - 215°C so I prefer to hit it when I've nothing complicated to do in the next 4 or 5 hours.


well-worn member
I'm an °F guy but I do the same thing, more by eye though.

I save the lighter abv for lean times or late at night, toss the darker stuff :tup:


Well-Known Member
Be sure to save your stems too! I've been dry before with nothing but stems, packing them in a volcano chamber actually worked really well, all things considered. May be very strain dependent, too
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