Vape for hash and concentrates


Well-Known Member
Hi all,
long time lurker, I own a MFLB and it's pretty good with herb but not with anything more sticky.
I heard someone does concentrates in the MFLB with help of a little piece of paper any advice on that?
To try to vape concentrates or hash I got a Vapbong but it's complicated to understand at which point to stop with the flame or else you combust. Also it's it's a pain to clean.
I'd try with the newer Vaponic that seems a little bit easier but I don't want to waste some more money on a similar device.
Does the Pax works with concentrates?
I'd prefer a portable but I'm open to any solution. I tried to find some of the Ti nails glass things but they are difficult to find here, I live in Europe.


The cera thread in portable vapes section (especially the last few pages of the looong thread) talk about hash capability...


Well-Known Member
The new Thermovape Cera has a lot of FCers excited and it might be just what you're looking for. A new portable that can do effectively vaporizer both herbs and concentrates. I'm not that familiar with the product but they posted some demos of it in use yesterday and it looks pretty impressive.

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