Using log vapes with your concentrates!


I'm taking no credit for this! but I feel it must be archived here in the concentrates section for easy access! All credit goes to Vitolo! Thank you sir!

I am talking about this post:

but more specifically, this video turorial:

So the brief notes of what you will see in the video:

You can use a ball of natural cotton as a wick to house a wad of your favourite concentrates in the centre. just carefully unravel a cotton swab and you are set!
With careful wrapping, you can encase the concentrate entirely with cotton. (use a rolling it up while occasionally wrapping the ends method)
Then you load the wad into your PD/Zap/WDZ/TT/UD?, stem, and begin hitting
The first couple tokes melt the concentrate and spread it though the wick
The rest give off decent vapor hits!

On a side note, how well would this work for the ud? being a different stem design. Silicone vs metal. can anyone see any issues?


errl enthusiast
i have been vaping hash oil with my underdog since i first received the tupelo goblet awhile back. while i prefer using a nail or skillet, logs effectively vaporize oil, and can be handy when using a torch is impractical. I simply placed a dab on the screen in my stem and it vaporized cleanly with no residue, though acclimated use will clog the screen quicker than straight herb usage. Vaping oil in a log is not as intense as taking a dab, and is more akin to using an omicron i would imagine.

the cotton is a great idea, props to Vito for this technique!


My WDZ is reborn!! I am lovin this...found out if you open up the cotton halfway through the bowl and flp it inside out you get even Moore hits. And the oil won't drip because by that time it's saturated into the cotton. I'm gunna be doin this all the time now:p


Just did this with my v-tower and wow! Amazing hits. Highly suggest this technique with almost any vape !!!!M
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