The Official FC Pets & Animals thread


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur


Melting Pot

Sick & Twisted
Found a tired and cold hummingbird, he posed while recuperating. Really neato experience


Starting with the money-shot. Those eyelashes!


He was laying here on the steps. Almost stepped on the little fluffer. There is an outdoor skylight above and he was probably all tuckered out from trying to fly up and on out of it. That's my theory because I saw another one later stuck up there doing the same thing. Got that one free with a colander taped to a broomstick. But this one required some love. He wasn't going anywhere, and there are dogs and cats that live in this building. He may have been OK if left alone, but I wasn't going to risk it.


I put a paper card under him and then dropped him/her on the blanket so there was something to hold onto. Not looking so good lil buddy... was getting worried.


It was sunset during springtime and the first month I had seen these guys out this year. I thought he might be cold too, in addition to being tired. As you can see by the blanket, I had dogs. They really wanted to know what was going on outside. Was just about to take them out for a walk, really glad I found lil hummer first!


Trying to warm the lil hummer back up. After a few minutes of this, he puffed up and the most unbelievably loud star wars droid sounds started coming out of this guy. I had no idea they sounded like that, sorry there is no video of it, was trying to balance the pics/animal care.


That is a teaspoon for scale, full of sugar water for the bird. These guys are teenie-tiny. He was starting to perk up, but wasn't going anywhere. A quick google taught me not to use honey (my first thought for some reason,) but regular sugar water. I wish this shot had his tongue out, it's so long, and a bit creepy. After drinking quite a bit of it, in a total disney moment, he flew up and hovered facing me, then flew away. Believe it or not, that's what happened. I felt very lucky to be with an animal for so long that is otherwise so fleeting and unobservable.

Edit to add: Not me just a story I found.
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vapor accessory addict
@Melting Pot what an incredible story!!!! And how cool that you took the time to take care of that little guy. :D

You know... if you put out a hummingbird feeder (if that's even possible where you live now) that little guy might come back. They are habitual. I have several that visit me yearly.

I tend to make sugar water that's like rocket fuel for them. It's actually simple syrup; boiled water with and almost equal amount of sugar. You put sugar in until it stops dissolving. Usually, people back off on the sugar after attracting the birds, but I never do. And they LOVE it. They make those same 'Star Wars' sounds while they're drinking it, lol.

They also wait for me on the hook while I refill the feeders, bitching at me through the window the whole time. And then when I come out they fly around my head and hands until I hang it back up.
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