Smell from bag vapes ??


Well-Known Member
Gotta question. I have an Ion. It's the only bag vape that I've ever used but what I notice is that every time I'm filling up a bag, I can smell the bud. I can't see any leaks, but I can smell it. Is this typical of all vapes that use a bag as a delivery system?


Well-Known Member
How does this smell compare to a 'stink'? :( sad joke

To your question, with the Volcano or the Herbal Aire I smell nothing until I exhale. I have heard of Volcano leakage on occasion but I have seen Zephyr's leaking on Youtube, so even though you can't see the leak, there might be a minuscule amount of vapor making its way into the air but I wouldn't be worried about it because even if there was visible leak there is still more vapor loss when you exhale a hit as I have said before and I am sure you already know (I just wanted to mention that before the New B's start worrying that they are loosing precious vapor.

I think it comes down to the tear drop shaped bag seal and lining up the zip tie perfectly, that is what was mentioned in the Zephyr thread.
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