Seat Belt Laws


Lost in Thought
First off, let me say that I am a seatbelt advocate. I feel naked without mine blah blah...

But color me vaked, I gotta disagree with the SB laws based on the thought that 'seat belts save lives'

According to the news lady, a study done here showed that out of all of the accidents here, 50% of the fatalities were non seat belt wearers.

Common logic would dictate that the other 50% must fall into the "they were wearing their seatbelt" category.

This seems a bit inconslusive eh?
Grrrr... It was funnier when I first started typing this.


Well-Known Member
yeah sb laws are bullshit. it doesn't hurt anyone else if you don't wear it. i'm sure it saves lives but it shouldn't be mandatory. it's legal to go buy a bottle of 151 and drink yourself to death but you can't drive down the street without your seatbelt on. but i always wear mine haha.
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