Scratches inside the heating chamber of the Arizer Air


New Member
Hey folks, I sort of have a little issue here (or not, I hope...)
I recently got my Arizer Air and since I disliked the air flow a little bit I tried the stems from easy flow. At the first use of the 115mm one, a little part of one of the edges broke of unnoticed. When I finished the stem und very gently tried to get it out i noticed a little scratching. The sharp edge where the little bit of the stem broke of scratched inside the heating chamber with clearly visible scratches all over the place since I rotated the stem while removing. Long story short, will these scratches have any negative effects? Or should it be ok when i from now on use the original stems und keep the chamber clean? Because if not I could replace it since i purchased it just last week.

I hope there are not a lot of grammar mistakes since english is not my mother language.
Hopefully you guys have good news for me...


New Member
thank you for the quick answer! well I guess iI was lucky again :) but cleaning the scratches should be no problem if I use pure alcohol or am I wrong?
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