Science and Souls (for geeks and spiritual explorers)


Away with the fairies


Bob Loblaw

btw i want to say again how happy i am that this thread has gotten as big as it has and that there is at least one post for every two of mine. thanks to all for participating and for all the likes to all the different posts.

that dalai lama series is awesome and carl sagan is one of my original heroes. it's amazing how far smoking a little weed and staring at the sky can get ya ;)

Bob Loblaw

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Over the falls, in a barrel
A gear has been found in nature for the first time. A small insect uses gears to lock its legs together and extend them simultaneously, for a greater degree of synchronicity than nerve functions alone could allow at this speed… Its acceleration clocks in at almost 400 g's!





Popular Mechanics article
Original report

So much remains unseen and unknown, living and breathing all around us here on this little planet.


well-worn member
Thanks Bob for my new favorite thread!

97% of climate scientists agree. the goddamn north pole has been a lake for the last 10 yrs

Not anymore:


I think that the Earth not cooling or warming, just getting more extremes of both because we are heading for a polar shift; the current declination between polar/magnetic north and geographic north is off the charts, greater than ever before in recorded history. Paleoclimatology models have predicted that warming extremes will cause adjustments to the jet stream invoking new mini ice ages. And unlike major ice ages (I think) these mini ones can materialize relatively quickly.

It's also entirely possible that this universe exists within the singularity point of a black hole.

That reminds me of this guy!

"For thousands more years the mighty ships tore across the empty wastes of space and finally dived
screaming on to the first planet they came across - which happened to be the Earth - where due to a terrible miscalculation of scale the entire battle fleet was accidentally swallowed by a small dog.
Those who study the complex interplay of cause and effect in the history of the Universe say that this sort of thing is going on all the time, but that we are powerless to prevent it.
"It's just life," they say.

“For instance, on the planet Earth, man had always assumed that he was more intelligent than dolphins because he had achieved so much—the wheel, New York, wars and so on—whilst all the dolphins had ever done was muck about in the water having a good time. But conversely, the dolphins had always believed that they were far more intelligent than man—for precisely the same reasons.

“There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable.
There is another theory which states that this has already happened.”

Douglas Adams

This is my (current) viewpoint, that it's all from the same mysterious source:


I definitely believe in God, and am against any religion that demonize other religions because I think they are counterproductive to spirituality. Personally, I don't take sides; I pick and choose what I want from all of them, because in my viewpoint we fight wars over minute differences and ignore the commonality of all religions which is what we should be focusing on if we want to evolve as a species. And I believe that to evolve at this point in time we either have to leave our bodies or leave the planet, and at some point we will all have the opportunity to make this eternal choice for ourselves.

I have read through this thread, but I need to go back to fully grok all the awesome information here :)
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Bob Loblaw

Thanks Bob for my new favorite thread!

I have read through this thread, but I need to go back to fully grok all the awesome information here :)

glad you like it, please use better sources than the daily mail for your posts in the future, thanks so much.

actually if the subject could be left dead i'd really appreciate it.

thanks, again
Bob Loblaw,
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well-worn member
It's a subject worth discussing, as long as it doesn't get too polarized. I'll drop it if it does.

Those images are from NASA this year Bob, I had just come across the article yesterday so I thought the fact that the arctic ice sheet has recovered so much area in a single season was worth noting.

And I'm not arguing that it's just a "galactic phenomenon"; it probably is, but I believe that man has drastically accelerated the process. As usual with highly-polarized arguments like this, the truth is in the middle, obscured by details, and doesn't sell newspapers. At your behest I checked out what NASA has to say beyond the dm article and it makes the most sense to me:

"The average thickness of the Arctic sea ice cover is declining because it is rapidly losing its thick component, the multi-year ice. At the same time, the surface temperature in the Arctic is going up, which results in a shorter ice-forming season," Comiso said. "It would take a persistent cold spell for most multi-year sea ice and other ice types to grow thick enough in the winter to survive the summer melt season and reverse the trend."

The surface area of the ice is growing and the thickness is shrinking, this is what we seem to know atm.

I've been following the breakup of Antarctica for about a decade or so; imo the greenland ice sheet is the antarctica of the north and more interesting from a climatological perspective than the either of the polar ice caps right now. I'm not trying to start an argument just exploring like anybody else.

edit: If global climate change can't be discussed here, does that mean we can't discuss the possibility of an upcoming ice age or polar shift either? Because winter is coming!

Here's a couple more from the dm, interesting and only tangentially related:

the arctic:

the antarctic:


"The described detection strategy, along with its South Pole position, could allow the detector to provide the first robust experimental evidence of extra dimensions predicted in string theory. Many extensions of the Standard Model of particle physics, including string theory, propose a sterile neutrino; in string theory this is made from a closed string..."

There's some pretty interesting stuff underneath these icecaps :cool:
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Bob Loblaw

The Last Question. Read it from top down, I guarantee you if you skip ahead and look at the end you'll completely ruin it.

really dug that. i liked the sci fi expression of human/tech unification with itself as well as each other as the opposing force to entropy. i believe love is that binding force and fits into the model here. thanks for that @Quetzalcoatl.

feels like home in here :)

thanks for this thread!

edit: here's something you guys might appreciate ;)

you're welcome here and glad you like! that vid is great, thanks for the post!


Well-Known Member
Hey I would love to pass all my knowledge on to you guys but its too massive.

So here's a snippet. I will add more if you guys like.

All major religions are true. It is through time that immaculate truth gets mixed with lies, cultural rituals, human error and misinterpretation.

The older the religion the more further it has drifted from its immaculate inception.

Case study
Beginning is by all accounts immaculate. All followers of Jesus are the same. Their love and motivation and loyalty to their faith is unquestioned.
At some point Christians go from powerless to powerful as a diaspora.
At another point powerful kings start to convert, often forcibly outsiders to Christianity without being able to give them the same love or motivation as the true Christians who would convert on their own. These converts lack the emotional tools to advance within Christianity beyond the shallow conversion to please the rulers. Add to that 95% illiteracy rates and you have a bunch of poor humiliated, degraded forced converts who have lost their religion and now have to learn a new faith, new language and new customs. They definitely could not die with the same knowledge or spiritual progress that people born into christianty with love for only jesus would. And They certainly would not be as devout as the early Christians since they wish they weren't forcibly converted in the first place.
At another point the church separates to Eastern Orthodox and Catholic Church.
At another point you get the Protestant reformation.
And today there are more churches then ever.
So today you have dozens of ways to "follow Jesus".
And now logic tells us only two things are possible
1 no organized Christian church that exists today is immaculate in their canon as well as religious rituals as practiced by the early true Christians
2 only 1 out of the countless Christian churches is immaculate in its canon and religious rituals as practiced by the early Christians.

I tend to agree with number 1. Absolutely no Christians today live and abide by the same convictions the early followers of Jesus did. This is due to three things

The churches over time have been corrupted.
Illiteracy on the part of the followers has basically been responsible for much of the corruption.
Religious zeal has died and people just don't care about god anymore. And 99.9% of people are content merely supporting yet not following the Christian way of life. Hypocrisy...

If you took a early Christian and transported them here to 2013 I guarantee they would disapprove of many things in catholic and non Catholic Churches.

The same logic can be applied to Islam, Judaism, Hinduism(which is actually a racist term), African animism. All these religions as practiced from inception were completely true. What they are today gives us the illusion that they are in conflict with each other. In reality the message is the same in all these religions but it has been mixed with lies so interpreting the faith as a whole is hard.

I know it may be hard to understand because of just how different Hinduism and Christianity have become but in the beginning in their immaculate form they carried the same message.

In order to see the message we must study scripture in the abstract and poetic sense.

Christianity- believes in a trinity of one god in three forms.
Hinduism believes in many different things. From one god, to many gods, to no god.
Now I'm sure you are thinking how can 1 billion people claim to be Part of the same exact religion yet a third of them believe in god as a singular entity, a third believe in many gods and worship them as statues, and the last third believe in god as a spiritual energy.

The answer is that of those 1 billion followers 99.99% have almost nothing in common with the followers of "Hinduism" thousands of years ago. They are basically all following an incomplete and erroneous form of the religion they think they are part of.

Now lets see how the early Christians and early Hindus were the same.
As I said before the message in all major faiths is the same but we misinterpret it and assume that only one religion is right while others have to be wrong.

Christians are taught to believe in god yet 2013 years after Jesus left we have forgotten the god Jesus taught us about. Jesus taught that there was only one god. But he said god was in 3. As a father and a son and a spirit.
How do we reconcile Jesus's teachings with Hindu teachings? We recognize the truth in both and cut out the lies that are rampant in both.

Science today proves the Big Bang. But what exactly is the spiritual interpretation of the Big Bang?
Who created the Big Bang? God
Who is god? God the father
What is the Big Bang? God
Who is god? God the son
Who inhabits and is the apex of the Big Bang? God
Who is god? The Holy Spirit

there is one god. With three forms.
The form of god who creates the world from the Big Bang is god the father.
This form of god is unseen, beyond the physical dimension. It has always existed and will always exist. This form of god is also one of the two forms of god we are supposed to worship. This form of god, creates, sustains and destroys. This is the form of god that all religions point to as being on the other side of physical death. This form of god is beyond physical matter so worshipping this god is also beyond physical matter(mental prayer).

The god that is the world is god the son. Just as a baby is part of a mother deep in her own body and one day they separate and become two separate entities yet it remains a fact that they were once the same entity. In the same manner all physical matter including the Big Bang was created and born from god the father! Basically every atom, every electron every sub atomic particle is god the son. This form of god is not to be worshipped!!!! You can't worship idols, rivers, humans, any physical matter at all. However Just because you can't worship it does not mean you can deny that all physical matter is infact god!

Now thirdly. God the Holy Spirit. God the Holy Spirit is inside every human. Your conscience, your thoughts, feelings, emotions, faith, soul, spirit, whatever you want to call it. It is NOT physical matter! It is absolutely not physical matter. There is no physical change in your body that science can point to as being the physical matter which is your soul that leaves your body after you die. A living and dead human are the same physical matter yet only the living human has the Holy Spirit inside. The soul within every human being is god the Holy Spirit.

With this knowledge we can deduce that everything, everyone, everywhere is GOD! And Hindu scripture, African animism, Native American spirituality. They all hint to this fact that is contained in the bible. Yet we all draw a line between monotheism and polytheism without realizing that there is no difference. It is perfectly acceptable to recognize the god as the sun who gives us sunlight. Or God as our parents which give us love. Or God as animals whom we share the earth with. Or god as food and oxygen keeping us alive. Or God as water that quenches our thirst. Or God as children who carry on our heritage. Or god as beautiful flowers decorating and perfuming the world. But we are never to worship this form of god!!!

The only difference is that after you have recognized god. What next? Do you worship him by worshipping other humans? Cows? Elephants? Gods with ten arms? Satan? NOOOO
You worship god that exists within you and all around you. You use religion to connect the god in you to the god that created you...

I can add more but I just wouldn't know when to stop. By the way I don't mean to hurt anyone's sentiments but this is my honest belief aided by my religion(sikhism). That there is only one god who transcends all faith. And our soul also trancends all faith.
Islam also believes the same yet the message has been misinterpreted.
Judaism has always taught that their god is beyond the physical dimension.
Native American and african spirit based faiths also were much more expansive and esoteric yet because the only sources we have for their history is the remnants of their people we may never know what they truly believed.
Sikh scripture often says that god is the taste and the taster. God is nearer to us then our own two hands. God is all around and inside. The relation between god the creator and god the Holy Spirit is like water. The creator is the ocean. And our souls are individual drops of water, yet when the drops mix back with the ocean they are no longer distinct or separate. This is the end result. If we live life according to god. After death our soul will unite with god in his creator form like a drop of water immersing itself into an ocean.

Bob Loblaw

@Tweek, yes. 'specially with so many of our friends carrying such maladies. i have long been a fan of the mind expanders ability to help you rewire (if you so choose to prepare your experiences) and the recent studies on psilocybin on the terminally ill have also peaked my interest.

@NYC5IKH5jabi - i have a lot of response to your post, but i want to do so with the understanding that while i am critiquing your thoughts and ideas by contrasting them to my own, i am in no way dismissing your thoughts or any others that may seem to compete.
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