Qwiso results?


Well-Known Member
Hey all, I just made some QWISO! Here's the story...

First I made some G.D with ~7g of ABV in Sailor Jerry's. Soaked for a few days and then finally got everything together to simmer it. Simmered it, but I had to have a fan going on high right next to the pan because I was doing it in my room. So the ethanol evap'd off pretty fast, but I didn't have a very long extraction time/I didn't feel like the mixture was actually simmering and getting hot enough to activate the THC for most of the process.

Long story short, I felt like it was still good for qwiso. Got the leftover abv from my green dragon plus another 3-4g of fresh ABV and did a QWISO extraction with it.

QWISO is done evaporating this morning. Most of the pan is coated in a thin layer of golden-green goodness. However, there are a few spots where it looks like things condensed (I could see this in the evaporation process...dark matter was pooling in certain spots of the pan). These spots are denser and nearly black. The pan smells sweet—no other word for it, really.

My question is: is this safe to smoke? Would the leftover Sailor Jerry's in the bud I used cause contaminants I should be concerned about? Most of the rest of rum is water and sugar (which is why I'm worried about the sweet smell), but sugar shouldn't dissolve in iso so I don't see that I have cause to be worried... (<1% @ room temp, probably).

Also, why are some parts of the hash denser and black?

Sorry for the essay...
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