Q - Tip Tech for Quartz bangers


Well-Known Member
I spent too much on quartz last year so I want to master this q tip technique which people say will keep your quartz looking and tasting brand new forever essentially. If you use this technique, please add your two cents.

For a strong but low-temp dab I heat my banger evenly for 40 secs and leave it to cool for 60 secs. Approx. 2 mins 20 secs later is when I've found the quartz to be cool enough to q tip without scalding the the cotton, but warm enough so that the puddled oil is liquid enough to be dabbed up and wiped by the q tip. This specific technique works and will keep the quartz fresh but it inevitably leaves very small cotton fibres that can barely be detected even with good lighting. Heat up a banger with a fibre or 2 and it smells like burnt cotton. I'm beginning to think this is the trade-off for keeping quartz fresh but I'm hoping someone else has better technique
I've also heard of people cleaning their bangers after every use with ISO on a q tip which I'm sure could keep the banger clean but I'm apprehensive to put this stinky poison on my quartz after each use. Anyone with experience doing this?
Sorry if this is dense, thanks for your input


Well-Known Member
I spent too much on quartz last year so I want to master this q tip technique which people say will keep your quartz looking and tasting brand new forever essentially. If you use this technique, please add your two cents.

For a strong but low-temp dab I heat my banger evenly for 40 secs and leave it to cool for 60 secs. Approx. 2 mins 20 secs later is when I've found the quartz to be cool enough to q tip without scalding the the cotton, but warm enough so that the puddled oil is liquid enough to be dabbed up and wiped by the q tip. This specific technique works and will keep the quartz fresh but it inevitably leaves very small cotton fibres that can barely be detected even with good lighting. Heat up a banger with a fibre or 2 and it smells like burnt cotton. I'm beginning to think this is the trade-off for keeping quartz fresh but I'm hoping someone else has better technique
I've also heard of people cleaning their bangers after every use with ISO on a q tip which I'm sure could keep the banger clean but I'm apprehensive to put this stinky poison on my quartz after each use. Anyone with experience doing this?
Sorry if this is dense, thanks for your input
If you put liquid on a qtip to touch quartz, that will be no problem generally but be aware that if you try sapphire one day not to ever do this, as you will break it!

Those of us who use e-nails use a qtip when the nail is at dabbing temp. This does not at all scorch the cotton. As such, you can safely be qtipping right after you finish inhaling. If you find that the qtip gets burned at all, you are dabbing far hotter than I would ever recommend!

As for the small cotton fibres, give the inside of the dish a quick torching to burn them away prior to your dab :)


Q tips help, but by no means keeps you stuff new forever (not essentially, and not at all). It may get a week or two before it begins to fog, it is simply unavoidable with a torch and depends on how frequent you torch.

Q tips help though, but the only way to really not fog a quartz is by getting rid of the torch and using an enail.
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