NoGoo Deep Dish and Plate


Well-Known Member
So was the verdict not to evap ethanol out of the Nogoo deep dish? That is a real bummer as it would seem to be the best use for something like this.

My friend has a mat like deadheadbill that he was going to try and use as a liner for his pyrex dish. This is made of the same stuff , so I guess he should really do neither.

He was given the impression that with the B rating the silicon has to the alcohol, that yes it would break down slowly after prolonged exposure. Much longer than the time it takes to evap. He was also under the impression that it was inert enough that tiny amounts weren't a hazard and you would likely not get exposed to any because of how long exposure time would be for any real degrading effect on the silicone.

Can he not just use it and inspect carefully, possibly with a magnifying glass for the beginning signs of breakdown. If he had to replace them once a year it would not be the end of the world and they would not see heavy use to begin with.

The one thing that is clear is that scraping, gathering, then regathering from the blades and then scraping the blades takes way too long. If he could skip scraping and evap in a Nogoo deep dish and use a silicone coated spatula things would be less hassle and time.

Another idea is to stop worrying about getting it all and save time he has, is to wash the bottom of dish and razors with ethanol to be saved for next run.

Either way I think a non stick tool and possibly the small 3" nonstick tray would be useful to manage things on the way to their silicone containers. The tool may be good for pen loading as well.
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So was the verdict not to evap ethanol out of the Nogoo deep dish? That is a real bummer as it would seem to be the best use for something like this.

My friend has a mat like deadheadbill that he was going to try and use as a liner for his pyrex dish. This is made of the same stuff , so I guess he should really do neither.

He was given the impression that with the B rating the silicon has to the alcohol, that yes it would break down slowly after prolonged exposure. Much longer than the time it takes to evap. He was also under the impression that it was inert enough that tiny amounts weren't a hazard and you would likely not get exposed to any because of how long exposure time would be for any real degrading effect on the silicone.

Can he not just use it and inspect carefully, possibly with a magnifying glass for the beginning signs of breakdown. If he had to replace them once a year it would not be the end of the world and they would not see heavy use to begin with.

The one thing that is clear is that scraping, gathering, then regathering from the blades and then scraping the blades takes way too long. If he could skip scraping and evap in a Nogoo deep dish and use a silicone coated spatula things would be less hassle and time.

Another idea is to stop worrying about getting it all and save time he has, is to wash the bottom of dish and razors with ethanol to be saved for next run.

Either way I think a non stick tool and possibly the small 3" nonstick tray would be useful to manage things on the way to their silicone containers. The tool may be good for pen loading as well.

i agree that dish would be great for evaping ethanol out of. its likely that your friend can do this w/out issue. i know there are others who do this. i dont because i dont know for sure. and because i prefer to collect the return from the teflon slicksheet.

i would love to hear more on this subject tho.


Well-Known Member
He would not recommend evaping off of the silicone, it affected the finish of the mat on the first try.

The material spread so thin it did a good job of sticking and making the non stick mat feel sticky nullifying the desired effect. Since it stuck a little it needed to be scraped a little and the soft surface is not conductive to that. It is safer cleaner and easier to use the pyrex in his opinion.

The silicone mat in question also stained and would not come clean with iso even. He did get almost all of the stain out in a new dishwasher with 2 consecutive steam clean cycles. The mat was saved but wont be used that way again.

The mat is useful to set in a pyrex and put the scraper blades on with hot material fresh from the dish, the deep dish if it were cheaper would be even better.

The silicone seems to be great for finished material and the small tray one would be good for use on a scale. If you have a glass table the silicone mat can be useful to set your rig on and a hot or cold tool with or without material. We are thinking the silicone tool would be useful as well for moving finished material for measurement and storage.

He may try a Ptfe sheet to line the evap dish sometime but in all likelihood not soon as $ is tight these days.


Only birdshit and fools
I.just picked up one of these dishes. I spray into warm iso in the dish. Worked fine! Dish looked normal after use, product was beautiful. It was kind of a pain to get the product out of the dish though.


It was kind of a pain to get the product out of the dish though.

Isn't the point of these to make it easier to get all of the hash off, since it will not stick to the silicone?

I don't recommend blasting into these for health concerns, and I especially don't recommend blasting into these if they provide no benefits over pyrex(like the non-stick surface I thought it had?)

Also, just because it looks fine after you blasted into it does not mean much. The butane still could have leeched some stuff from the silicone. :peace:


New Member
Hey would not spray on to them friend did left a waxy looking residue seeing the show where he bought it said it was fine ... whoops ...
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