Minnesota MMJ- may add new conditions/delivery methods??


Well-Known Member
MN Health Dept, Office of Medical Cannabis has been holding meetings to take in public testimony on adding conditions or delivery methods to our meager existing MMJ program.
I've been attending and testifying and the committee seems receptive to what they are hearing.

At this meeting I testified for adding two conditions: PTSD and insomnia. They only had open testimony on conditions where they received a petition to add. I found out about that petition business, 2 days after the end date and was told I could submit next June when it is open again :( Fuck stupid deadlines
There was a lot of moving testimony from folks and I hope it had some impact.

I also emphasized the "gorilla in the room" of the obscene costs of our current product as we only have 2 companies, no flowers, $200 per year reg fee, only 800 eligible patients etc. Someone testified that their price for 1 gram of concentrate here is over $200.

The committee will make a recommendation to the Health Dept Commissioner. Many of the barriers are in the actual law that was passed so that's a problem.

Here's hoping they see the light and add all of the requested conditions.

P.S. I even tried to publicly shame them and let them know Gov Chris Christie just signed off on adding PTSD. I was going to say "and he's in the Dark Ages on drug issues" but thought about it. In the Dark Ages, cannabis was used openly in China, India, etc. We are in the dark ages, of the war on cannabis, but there is light at the end of the tunnel :)

Here's hoping....
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