Making cannabis ejuice


Well-Known Member
anyone have successfully made a batch where you take one to three hits and you high?

If so how did you do it ?

Thanks !


I made a batch with EJ Mix and it was da bomb, only problem I had and the reason I gave up on it was cartridges. Couldn't find a cartridge / pen that wouldn't die with the stuff. It was great while it worked 1-2 seshes..


Well-Known Member
I made a batch with EJ Mix and it was da bomb, only problem I had and the reason I gave up on it was cartridges. Couldn't find a cartridge / pen that wouldn't die with the stuff. It was great while it worked 1-2 seshes..
Howd u make urs ?

Does it have a 2-4 week shelf life? Read somewhere on google its potency lessens by the week but dunno if its true
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