How Many milligrams of THC are in the first few hits of a vaporizer?


Well-Known Member
I know it's HIGHLY subjective to everything from the quality and quantity of the weed to the vaporizer itself and temperature.. So let's set a few variables.

On average, high quality / high THC strains have about 180 mgs of THC per gram. So for the sake of this scenario let's say we have a gram of standard "mids" coming in at 100 mgs a gram.

For the vaporizer we'll go with a Volcano with a standard sized bag. I normally pack around .05 - .1 gs max in a volcano bowl. So let's say a .1 g bowl vaped at an average of 350 degrees. Should be a total of 10 mgs THC in this bowl. How many mgs of THC do you think you are getting in those first few "delicious" hits? (Usually with the volcano this only amounts to about half a standard bag of that amazing tasting vapor)

My question is about diminishing returns I guess. How much of that total 10 mgs of THC is extracted in the first bag? And how much are in those subsequent "overcooked" tasting hits?
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