Help me pick a vape?

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New Member
Hey everyone,

New to the community. I've been looking at the Persei, but I'm still not sure if it's for me and what attachments I need. Basically, I want a very good vape for e-liquids, and flowers. I don't care if they have different attachments or if it all goes in the same place.

I've used a Pax Ploom before, and just general mid-range vapes for e-liquids.

I'm looking for strong hits with both. Budget is $100-200.

Thanks in advance for the help.


Micro-Climate Mastermind
The persei can do both it's been a while since I have checked their pricing but I don't think it'll be under 200. You would want a persei, a bender attachment, and one of their e liquid carts. I use a mech mod with atty's that I wrap my own coils with, or a variable voltage ego-c with an evod for liquids. Lots of portable options for herb depending on your criteria.


New Member
Guys: just to give you an update.

I ended up going with the Atmos Raw even though it received pretty bad reviews, so I didn't have to end up spending a lot of money for multiple vapes. Here are my results if you're interested.
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