

Well-Known Member
Anyone deal with this after years of vaping? I never had this issue before.


Vapor Sloth
I unfortunately have this problem but it is unrelated to vaping. It has more to do with my suppressed immune system, stress from my divorce, and me just not taking care of myself. My dentist warned me about this and prescribed the following:
  1. Get a water flosser.
  2. Dip gum brushes in Peroex and run between teeth or rinse after brushing.
  3. Rinse with Closys every 4 days.
The water flosser is your best bet. The active ingredient in Peroex is chlorhexidine gluconate, a slightly altered ingredient from surgical scrub. Closys is a trisoduim phosphate and chlorine dioxide preparation that should never be swallowed. EVER. imho, use with caution.

Its important to note that my dentist has never said vaping would cause gingivitis. I suggest ramping up your oral health regimen. Again, the water flosser is your best bet. Get a Water Pik, use it regularly, and be happy.
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Deadhead, Low-Temp Dabber, Mahayana Buddhist
Green tea can be quite helpful. I read some scientific research articles that demonstrated how green tea, either hot or cold, benefits your mouth more than all the big name brand mouthwashes. If anyone is interested, I will try to find specific source citations - if not links to the actual research findings.


Well-Known Member
From Mayo Clinic site:

The most common cause of gingivitis is poor oral hygiene. Good oral health habits, such as brushing at least twice a day, flossing daily and getting regular dental checkups, can help prevent gingivitis.
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