Getting a water distiller to distill cannabis oil (and not getting my house burnt in the process)


Well-Known Member
I watched this video and now I want to buy such a thing!
Tell me it's not a good idea, seems like it's 50€ off amazon.


Well-Known Member
Ah ... got it. This is likely too high heat for our purposes :) Would degrade the product quite a bit ...

Nope not at all. A liquid will never go much about it's boiling point in normal atmospheric conditions, for example you could boil water as much as you like and the water itself will never get hotter than 100 celcius*

That means the ethanol solution isn't going to get hot enough to damage the cannabinoids, no matter what method you use, unless you've boiled it dry and are just heating the oil.
That's why in the video he stops before all the ethanol is removed and switches to a gentler heating.

*Superheating can take it slightly over.
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