Eating ABV - trip report.


Well-Known Member
That abv's very vaped, almost as brown as it gets, mine's a light brown so I get noticeable affects when I have more than 0.5g of it. If I have 1.5g I get strong visual effects with tracers on everything. Time slows down to a crawl for me. Effects start after about half an hour and last for a good 8 hours or more. I think I'm pretty unusual though.

I’ve been saving my ABV -but have yet to consume it. When I saw this post I figured the amount mentioned, about 1 gram to 1.5 g sounded reasonable for one dose.

But, realizing there are variables (strength of original bud, vape temperature, personal tolerance & biology, etc), I thought I’d solicit some opinions. Does 1 to 1.5 g sound like a good starting point for one dose? Or, is 1.5g on the high side? (I like it strong!)

I should say I have some experience cooking raw flowers, just not eating ABV. And I thought, at least the 1st time, I wouldn’t use any oil or fat, just put the ABV in capsules.

Any thoughts?
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Aimless Ryan

Came to read about grinders; fucked combustion
I feel like if I share my thoughts (directly in response to your question), it would probably be more harmful than helpful. I don't trust my body. I don't trust my brain.

In other words, based mostly on what I've read in a lot of different places, I have to assume that what happens to me is probably not the same thing that would happen to you. Consequently, I feel like my thoughts should be considered very unreliable.


Aimless Ryan

Came to read about grinders; fucked combustion
If it wasn't clear from my multi-edited post yesterday, I had a very good experience eating ABV yesterday. I don't know if it was because of the condition of the ABV (vaped at low temperature), the dosage I swallowed, or the fact that I heated it in coconut oil, then consumed it with the coconut oil. However, I do suspect the dosage quantity probably played the biggest role. Since I didn't weigh the ABV, my best guess is that I used about 1.5 g (half of it in the morning, then half of it a few hours later).

I do feel like I may be getting a better idea of what ABV can do for me, and how to use it. For example, I think I need to consume a little more ABV than I have been consuming, and I think vaping at lower temperatures (without letting the herbs become totally brown) has helped. Still, I realize I'm a total beginner. (Which probably means I have no idea what I'm talking about.)

This morning I swallowed 10 of the capsules I filled maybe a month ago, which are very dark and heavily vaped. I can't say it did anything. However, I haven't felt the need to consume any cannabis over the last seven or eight hours, so maybe it did something I just don't consciously recognize yet. One reason why I say this is because I usually can't go that long between sessions (unless I'm sleeping). Yet even though I have already gone that long without any cannabis, I don't feel any urgency to begin my next session.

I have no idea if I feel that way because I ate ABV this morning. I am inclined to think it has nothing to do with the ABV I ate. But it might.

Aimless Ryan

Came to read about grinders; fucked combustion
^^^Very good description of how I felt a couple days ago, after I ate the 10 capsules of dark ABV. (I'm sure you already figured that out.) However, I couldn't necessarily tell it was in there. In fact, I think I pretty much forgot I had even swallowed the capsules (and not because I was high, since I wasn't high).

I like being high just as much as anyone else likes being high, but I don't mind not being high if my pain, spasticity, and tight muscles are noticeably more relieved than usual. Which seems to have happened after eating 10 capsules of ABV a couple days ago.

Aimless Ryan

Came to read about grinders; fucked combustion
1:21: I cut off a fairly large chunk of the ABV/coconut oil "rock" I've had in the fridge, which I ate probably four hours ago; the same stuff I ate whenever I last reported.

I can't feel that it has done anything. Particularly, I'm not high at all. However, I haven't felt the need to vape or consume cannabis in any other way yet today. Which I almost always do pretty much right after I wake up (7:30 or 8:00), and then pretty regularly throughout the day. (I haven't really thought about vaping today, either.)

Guess I better eat some more ABV.

4:58: All of a sudden I feel really fucked up. I haven't consumed any cannabis today other than the ABV I swallowed.

5:05: While I'm thinking about it, the second rock I ate was like 9 g. I have to figure more than half of it was ABV. (EDIT: On second thought, I don't think there's really any way for me to guess how much of the rock was ABV.)

5:23: It just occurred to me that this could possibly be a factor: I ate a good bit of pepperoni pizza just before I started feeling goofy. If eating the pizza isn't a factor, I guess it's a good thing I didn't wait any longer to pick up the pizza, because there is no way I would drive right now, nor would I have driven at any time since I finished eating.

6:17: I feel like I am going back toward normal right now. I don't feel very high, but I do feel very relaxed. Today's ride has definitely been worth the price of admission. And there is no doubt that it was from eating ABV, as I still have not vaped any cannabis today.

6:57: Nah, I think I'm still pretty fucked up. I don't think I know how to be fucked up anymore (or most of the time), so this is nice.
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Aimless Ryan

Came to read about grinders; fucked combustion
Oh yeah. Best day in a long time. Even though I do almost nothing every day, yesterday was like a day off; mostly because I was able to relax, which I am almost never able to do. (Another reason it was such a great day is because my stomach didn't hurt for the first time in possibly months. Apparently I have an ulcer. Been eating a ton of raw garlic lately and some other things for that.)

I just ate another 7 g chunk of ABV and coconut oil, right about the time you posted. I'll probably do it again in about six hours. Turns out a one-way trip doesn't necessarily get you where you need to be. Furthermore, I only vaped about 0.2 g yesterday. I probably would've been fine without vaping anything yesterday.

And don't be misled by my use of the term 'fucked up.' I wasn't fucked up so much as I was just a little goofy.

Watching football is going to be fun today. Good thing I don't have to go anywhere.

And while I'm thinking about it, this is very dark ABV.
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^ "Eat a bag of Dick's!"
I couldn't really stomach the texture of the coconut oil, but FC to the rescue! After reading about "firecrackers" I was in love lol. Now I weigh up about 2.5-3g of nice light brown abv and shake it over 6 Ritz crackers with peanut butter on them then top with 6 more Ritz. I actually really like the flavor combination, much better than just trying to choke something down. My second choice is a simple PB&J sandwich. I do find I need to take small bites either way, or risk a "cinnamon challenge" scenario lol.
I don't suggest any dosages, my edible tolerance is fucked so don't follow my lead... I've been reading some on how digestive/metabolism issues can really hurt your ability to enjoy a good medible, or at least a reasonable dosage, and I'm pretty sure that's a factor for me. Normally I won't notice much effect for 3-4 hours, then I won't need the vape much for the rest of the day really ;).I would strongly discourage anyone from chomping 3gs of abv for breakfast unless they already know that's the minimum they need.

Aimless Ryan

Came to read about grinders; fucked combustion
It was very dark. Plus I'm inclined to think there was probably not as much ABV as I originally thought. My original estimate (which I edited but didn't delete) was based heavily on the apparent volume of both the ABV and the coconut oil. However, if there's one thing I know from years of making pizza, it's that there is essentially no way of accurately estimating the quantity of a powdery substance simply by looking at it, or even by measuring its volume. Also, comparing the volume of powdered cannabis to the volume of liquid coconut oil just isn't a reliable way to gauge anything.

So I'm claiming ignorance regarding how much ABV I consumed either yesterday or today. Next time I prepare any ABV and coconut oil, I'll try to remember to take careful notes regarding ingredient weight ratio.

In case I wasn't clear, when I have used numbers like 7 g and 9 g over the last day or two, I have been talking about the weight of both the ABV and the coconut oil, not just the ABV.

Even though I don't think I have said anything about this today, I have eaten a similar amount of ABV today as I did yesterday. Pretty similar results, too, I'd say.
Aimless Ryan,
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Aimless Ryan

Came to read about grinders; fucked combustion
I decided to grind up my greenish ABV a couple hours ago and heat it in some coconut oil. This time I carefully weighed both the ABV and the coconut oil, and I also took notes.

Since the ABV in my container weighed 2.85 g, I started off by measuring a nearly equal amount of coconut oil (3.04 g) and heating the mixture over a flame in a small sauce pan for a few minutes. I could tell right away that this was nowhere near enough coconut oil, but I waited for it to melt before adding any more oil.

After it was very clear that this was not even close to enough oil, I added another 2.97 g of coconut oil. Still not enough, so I added another 2.81 g of coconut oil. Then another 2.8 g of coconut oil.

This was still not enough, but I could tell I was in the neighborhood. So I added another 2.74 g of coconut oil. This seems to have made everything look and feel equivalent to the ratio of ingredients I have used previously.

That adds up to 14.17 g of coconut oil and 2.85 g of ABV, which is almost exactly a 5 to 1 ratio, by weight. I have had this mixture heating over a low flame for a couple hours, and I intend to leave it that way for most of the day.

I can't wait to try this stuff, as I believe the ABV is much less vaped than most of the ABV I have eaten before now. I probably won't do it until Tuesday, though.

I love the anticipation. Especially considering how my last trip(s) went. Plus now I will be able to accurately measure my dosage, even if I break off a random-sized rock of solidified ABV oil. For example, if I break off a piece that weighs 3.6 g, I will know this is about 3 g of coconut oil and 0.6 g of ABV.


In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
I decided to grind up my greenish ABV a couple hours ago and heat it in some coconut oil. This time I carefully weighed both the ABV and the coconut oil, and I also took notes.

Since the ABV in my container weighed 2.85 g, I started off by measuring a nearly equal amount of coconut oil (3.04 g) and heating the mixture over a flame in a small sauce pan for a few minutes. I could tell right away that this was nowhere near enough coconut oil, but I waited for it to melt before adding any more oil.

After it was very clear that this was not even close to enough oil, I added another 2.97 g of coconut oil. Still not enough, so I added another 2.81 g of coconut oil. Then another 2.8 g of coconut oil.

This was still not enough, but I could tell I was in the neighborhood. So I added another 2.74 g of coconut oil. This seems to have made everything look and feel equivalent to the ratio of ingredients I have used previously.

That adds up to 14.17 g of coconut oil and 2.85 g of ABV, which is almost exactly a 5 to 1 ratio, by weight. I have had this mixture heating over a low flame for a couple hours, and I intend to leave it that way for most of the day.

I can't wait to try this stuff, as I believe the ABV is much less vaped than most of the ABV I have eaten before now. I probably won't do it until Tuesday, though.

I love the anticipation. Especially considering how my last trip(s) went. Plus now I will be able to accurately measure my dosage, even if I break off a random-sized rock of solidified ABV oil. For example, if I break off a piece that weighs 3.6 g, I will know this is about 3 g of coconut oil and 0.6 g of ABV.

I appreciate the detail....Can't wait to hear how it works out!


Well-Known Member
That adds up to 14.17 g of coconut oil and 2.85 g of ABV, which is almost exactly a 5 to 1 ratio, by weight.
Thanks for the report.
The ratio doesn't surprise.
Next time you weigh out a batch could you please compare volume of ABV vs volume of coconut oil
Would volume be more like 2 : 1? ABV is light as it's totally dried out. Coconut oil is a dense/ heavy element in comparison.

I'm just curious what volume ratio is....
And could you weigh AND volume your ABV. Is 2.85 g like 1/2 cup or what??

Aimless Ryan

Came to read about grinders; fucked combustion
I thought I had already posted the picture of my greenish ABV, but I guess I only posted it in the Aromed thread. Here it is:


I put the grinder in there to give a comparison between the color of this ABV and the color it started out as. Almost all of this ABV came from my Aromed, which I pretty much always use at 456. (I think it's pretty clear, though, that the number on my machine is not even close to being the temperature of the herbs, nor is it the temperature surrounding the herbs. Consequently I have been wondering if my Aromed is defective.)

Also, if you look closely, you will see a few darker grounds, which I vaped in my Air at 410 (which I think is very accurate). This batch of ABV actually ended up looking much browner after I ground it into powder.

@MinnBobber I don't do volume. Sorry. Two decades of serious pizza geekdom has given me a serious aversion to measuring anything by volume (because volume means nothing, especially with powdery substances). Plus I have a very difficult time doing just about anything these days. I pretty much only do what I feel is absolutely necessary, because I feel like every moment I spend on my feet is a moment I may fall and get very seriously injured (or killed).

What I can tell you at this point is that it looks like about two parts of coconut oil to one part ABV, in terms of volume. Basically I use just enough coconut oil for the warm mixture to become slightly soupy, rather than doughy. If any other potentially-useful descriptions come to me, I'll try to remember to share.

Even though I am no fan of volume, don't be afraid to ask whatever you want to ask. Who knows, I might just do something totally out of character for me.
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