Dr. Dick The Asshat Dentist


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
I respect whatever a person feels that they need to do. Each of us have a different circumstance and live in different areas.

I gathered strength from my FC friends to have enough nerve to get my medical certification. Further down the line I may feel differently about leveling with my doc. Not all doctors believe that cannabis can help with pain.


But I like it!
My pain doctor, when you look him up online, was referred to as Dr Dope. He was the guy prescribing it for everyone in the 90s (after getting out of the military after a few tours of Bosnia). He was all keen on getting me signed up, and then the provincial (Alberta) college of physicians sent a blanket edit to all their members to not approve anyone's mmj application. Apparently they didn't want to be gate keepers. I had to find a doctor in BC to sign mine. And then we moved there anyways. BC is the most progressive province, and likely out first one to get legal.
On am interesting side note i just read today that Health Canada will be allowing Nurse Practitioners and Physicians Assistants the power to prescribe mm starting in the new fiscal year. Watch scrips ramp way up :)


Well-Known Member
And do keep in mind that, if you are a daily medical user, your eye doc can certainly tell. Mine is much nicer than my dentist, and has me in a study tracking my eye health over time. Oddly enough my previously large nevius (a sort of eye freckle which may become cancerious) has shrunk considerably, and my vision has improved quite a bit overall. So all doctors are not a total bust!

If you are trying to keep your use a secret (I can certainly understand that, in someplace like Oklahoma where you can go to jail for life for hash) stopping before the eye doc is essential.
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Vapor Sloth
My Psoriatic Arthritis makes me a chronic pain patient and a chemotherapy patient since they are altering my immune system with crazy shit, I have side effects from pills to manage as well as nausea/appetite issues. I just don't see a doctor, I have a wellness team comprised of many doctors I have collected over the years since I got sick. Have I fired doctors and left? You bet. I have run into some real weirdos out there, mainly pain management docs, however my core team now including my dentist is totally on board with my mmj usage and my rheumatologist signs my paperwork for the state. Fire any weird doctor you meet and leave them immediately. Hundreds of thousands die every year from medical mistakes in hospitals alone. They call it "practicing" medicine for a reason, the problem is they are practicing on us.


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