Do you dry your material?

I was wondering what the forum consensus is on drying your material before vaping, whether you all are fans of leaving stuff out overnight to get bone dry and crumbly the next day. As a mflb user especially, this has become common practice.


Well-Known Member
I used to, but then discovered that while herb that's not dry may take a bit longer to vape, it sure does taste a lot better.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't vape it wet at all. Wet bud it shitty bud, you should let it fully dry and then vape it, it will vape much better, and be better.

Hippie Dickie

The Herbal Cube
in my experience, wet bud doesn't vape until the h20 is driven out first. This can be done in the vaporizer, or before vaping, but if there is water in the bud, it will vaporize before the thc will.
Hippie Dickie,


I like buying my bud when its still sticky. That way I know its fresh. Sometimes the dry stuff may have been sitting out in the Sun for weeks and losing its potency. I'll put my bud in a brown paper bag and store in the garage for a day or two.


Well-Known Member
if I need to dry a bit I dont really leave it out....

i may pput a bud out to dry quicker but i just usually keep it in a sealable container and open in for a few min (15-20) 2 times a day or 1 time a day fo a bit longer.

that way you keep in the taste/smell....its basically curing it but not doing a whole few weeks thing.


I store my herb in the lettuce keeper of my fridge and cure a day's worth in a glass jar overnight.


lwien said:
I used to, but then discovered that while herb that's not dry may take a bit longer to vape, it sure does taste a lot better.

True, the first 2-3 hits on some sticky wet herb is very tasty and flavorful, but you get little to no vapor from those hits from my experience. I do like to do this when I pick up some new stuff and want to really enjoy the taste.


Well-Known Member
aesthyrian said:
lwien said:
I used to, but then discovered that while herb that's not dry may take a bit longer to vape, it sure does taste a lot better.

True, the first 2-3 hits on some sticky wet herb is very tasty and flavorful, but you get little to no vapor from those hits from my experience. I do like to do this when I pick up some new stuff and want to really enjoy the taste.

I should have added that I only vape bud that is well cured. I just don't dry it out further than that for vaping like I used to.


Proud MMJ Patient
I don't do anything special really....sometimes I may leave a little out in my grinder (leftovers from night before that I didn't get around to) and that gets regrinded for a VERY nice LB morning session.

The meds I get from my dispensary are usually very fresh...sticky and moist, but by no means 'wet'. If you are using 'wet' shouldn't be. I'll go straight home and try some out and I will get little vapor for the first hit maybe two hits, but the flavor is well, well worth it. Then by hit 3 and 4 the herbs are nice and dried out and she starts to chug!

The LB is a little bit harder and longer when using moist herbs. The grind is really key, and dry herb seems to 'pulverize' better for a nice, sand like grind.


cannabis aromatherapist
i live close to the water so i find that during the warm season, sometimes i need to dry it before grinding it fine for the MFLB. If i just leave it out it gets more damp instead of drying.
wintertime, who knows? i just started vaping this summer, so we shall see.
i have been known to chuck it in my excalibur dehydrator on wayyyy low overnight to crisp it up.
i don't have access to many fine herbals like y'all do - i get what i can.


Well-Known Member
lwien said:
aesthyrian said:
lwien said:
I used to, but then discovered that while herb that's not dry may take a bit longer to vape, it sure does taste a lot better.

True, the first 2-3 hits on some sticky wet herb is very tasty and flavorful, but you get little to no vapor from those hits from my experience. I do like to do this when I pick up some new stuff and want to really enjoy the taste.

I should have added that I only vape bud that is well cured. I just don't dry it out further than that for vaping like I used to.

Yeah, I think some here are confusing not drying your material with not curing?


when my weed is too dry, I can't take as much hit as I wanted, so I have to leave moisture in the bud, something between 5 % and 15 % moisture, which is the perfect weed to roll a joint, in my opinion.

my weed is always stored in a mason jar.


Dead Foot Designs
Accessory Maker
I store mine in canning jars and cure it. Once a week or so I grind the 8 varieties I use and put the ground product in small, labeled vials. I then put the open vials in front of a dehumidifier for a few hours. The stuff dries perfectly and then I close the vials and use it throughout the week. My vials hold one gram of ground product. Today I will be processing Barney's Farm LSD and OG #18. I have not tried either yet, so Im excited.


reece said:
lwien said:
aesthyrian said:
True, the first 2-3 hits on some sticky wet herb is very tasty and flavorful, but you get little to no vapor from those hits from my experience. I do like to do this when I pick up some new stuff and want to really enjoy the taste.

I should have added that I only vape bud that is well cured. I just don't dry it out further than that for vaping like I used to.

Yeah, I think some here are confusing not drying your material with not curing?

My previous post may have given that impression, but it's far from the case. When I said "sticky wet herb" I didn't mean not cured, I just meant fresh herb that has been properly cured but still has some moisture to it, unlike herb that has sat out for a day and is dry and crumbly.


My method is probably imperfect but I put a few buds in a shotglass and rest the shotglass on top of my log vape for a few hours or so. Then I grind it and dump the ground weed in my Billy Bowl (really great wood stash bowl from Purple Days) and that's what I use for the week. There is no question that drying makes a huge difference although I know what Lwien is saying about flavor. However, MJ isn't much of a taste treat to begin with.

Can you differentiate between "curing" and drying? I don't get what you're saying.


Well-Known Member
I do not go to extra lengths to dry my herb out any more.

My ritual is: grind up with 2 piece ti SC, empty into small wooden dish, and let it sit out for a little while, though its not really 'out' but its nowhere near airtight.


My 2 piece aluminum SC can easily grind through herb that's not been dried and I use it as such when I'm using my gravity vortex waterfall bong or the rare occasion when I'm forced to roll a joint due to some unenlightened friends. That said, I always dry before grinding my normal vaping herb. But I get to keep the "roaches" which I dump into my ABV jar to use for brownies later on. In my building a few friends know what I'm up to with the brownies so they save all their roaches; it's like an ongoing "brownie drive" - the only pain in the ass is having to unroll the paper from these minuscule roaches and there's dozens of them by Betty Crocker time.


jeffp said:
However, MJ isn't much of a taste treat to begin with.

You're vaping the wrong stuff, buddy!

As a legal grower, I am blessed to have a large asortment of tastes and effects available. My greenhouse-grown Northern Lights is so sweet that I keep wanting to vape more, long after the desired effect is reached. Its like candy. Grandaddy Purple is another strain with the same problem. It just tastes and smells so good, I almost wish there was a THC-free version to enjoy all day long.

But to answer the question at hand, I get my herb properly dry with the help of a hygrometer kept in the curing jars. Its still very slightly too moist for ideal vaping, but that corrects itself quickly in the vape. I live in the PacNW so leaving it "out" usually increases the moisture. In fact, I have had an open ABV receptacle that actually started to mold when left out for a few days while it was raining. No, I do not re-use that ABV :)


Well-Known Member
pinoy said:
I like buying my bud when its still sticky. That way I know its fresh. Sometimes the dry stuff may have been sitting out in the Sun for weeks and losing its potency. I'll put my bud in a brown paper bag and store in the garage for a day or two.

Had to laugh at this post. Bud sticks more when dry, when it's wet the triches will stay on the buds.

I don't know where you get your bud, but no dealer I've ever met leaves their bud out in the sun lmfao, it's all in bags or jars.

I have no clue where you heard you lose "potency" for leaving bud around, and I have no clue where you keep your bud, or where your dealer keeps his, but you obviously need to change people lol. If you store your bud into jars it will cure, giving it more potency, I really wonder where you learn this stuff.

The Budget Gourmet

Lurky turkey
A packet or two of silica gel in your stash would probably work nicely. You know the stuff, it says "do not eat" and you find it in with your vitamins.
You can buy it on amazon if you really need a lot.
Just don't eat it.:)
The Budget Gourmet,


Well-Known Member
I remember a specifically made container or jar that had some silica gel attached to the top lid. Cant remember the name.

And about taste, I have no idea what your talking about. Taste is a huge thing for me, which is why I mostly prefer my DBV and PD, they give a lot of flavor.

Even though I dont have access to the best medical grade stuff over here, I still get fairly high quality stuff(I always get the best that I can find) that has great aroma and taste. You guys out in CA and such places have some awesome tasting herb. I remember SMOKING some herb from Cali that even tasted good through the smoke. I can only imagine what the vapor from it would have tasted like! :drool:


Well-Known Member
SalamiCity said:
I have no clue where you heard you lose "potency" for leaving bud around....

Depends on how you "leave it around". What WILL cause bud to degrade in potency is light, air and heat.
Keep your bud in a dark, cool, airtight place and it will last a VERY long time. Just make sure moisture is kept in check so mold doesn't form and burp those containers once a day when bud is freshly cured and then once a week thereafter to keep it from getting that funky ammonia, cat piss smell caused by anaerobic bacteria.
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