dangerous to use certain materials in water filtration converter???


Deron Williams Best Point Guard Alive
I've been wanting to make a vape bong converter for my MagicFlight LaunchBox for some time now. Tonight I bought a reel of vinyl tubing the right size to fit flush over the mouthpiece of the MFLB, some gorilla glue, and a starbucks coffee drink in a glass jar. I drilled two holes in the cap, fed two lengths of tubing through, gorilla glue'd the holes as a sealant, and I was ready to go after letting the glue dry for 15-20 minutes.

Now. The motherfucker works. I am super, super chief'd as I write this. But Maybe due to the taste of vinyl in my hits, I've been wondering if there are better/safer materials to use. The starbucks jar is glass with a metal lid, but could the vinyl be affected by the heat of the vapor, or is it possible mixing gorilla glue on the surface of vinyl created some other type of dangerous fume?

Basically, this thing works so well that it would be well worth my $$$ to invest on making another, safer, less hastily rigged version, if anyone has any knowledge or pointers on that it would be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member

buy a DBV, water filtration adapter & a nice bong.

i don't think "vaping" gorilla glue and vinyl tubing is safe my friend... :(
D-Will u can get scientific rubber stoppers with 2 holes already made to fit tops of beakers like from chem lab class in school with glass tubes & safer than vinyl is silicone tubin, hope that helps silicone safe up to 400 vinyl up to 180-200 degre
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