concentrates and our lungs....


New Member
hello new to FC, fairly new to vaaping and the concentrate world

im sitting here smoking my Micro Vaped Vaporizer pen (basically ego T, i know not the best and i will upgrade) and i noticed that when it clogs its clogging with wax resin and im assuming if it builds up in the mouthpiece the same thing must be happening in my lungs... i was wondering if the wax would have the same benefits as taking RS hemp oil?

thanks guys and look forward to taking a look around the forums

trying to quit blunts (could never absolutely quit smoking but definitely considering cutting back)
fingers crossed lol

one love and happy vaping!!


Well-Known Member
LOL NO! The wax and resin will build up in your lungs and cause symptoms similar to any smoker. I find vaping wax/oil causes this so much faster than vaping flower does. Take it easy man, don't inhale more vapors than your lungs can handle.
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