Boiling a tea before extracting


Apprentice Daydreamer
Hello FC,

I've been collecting sugar leaves for while with a plan of making a tincture out of it.
I've got a mix of leaves that are in average 50% heavily coated in trichomes.
I don't have a clue about its percentage, but if heavily coated parts of of the plant are 10% thc, then i would guesstimate mz mix to be somewhere around 4%.

I want to make a tincture jsut because I can. I choose it over edibles for an easy and long time storage.

One catch is that, where I live, super-high percentage liquor is illegal unless denatured.
I don't think it makes any sense, just as the whole war on drugs...
...anyway, I can't legally get the Everclear everyone loves for this in here.
The best I could find so far is 80% fake rum or absinthe.
It should probably still work well, but I can't find anything tasteless.
Maybe that could be a good thing as the tincture would at least taste good.

Recipes around the net recommend 1-5g of bud per 35mL of alc.
If I assume my alc percentage and that my mix is 2-3 times weaker... would translate into about 2-10g of my mix per 50mL of rum, so...
...would a ratio of 5g of my mix per 50ml of 80% rum be good?
Or anyone with experience would recommend less or more?

Now to the main topic, the recipe I'm doing.
I've only been extracting cannabis once in my life.
I was making milk with some friends and we have done something I'm not seeing in any recipes.
We boiled it in water for a while and then discarded the tea and repeated until the water came out almost clear.
Then we bolied it in the high-fat milk to release everything that was left...
...cannabinoids and probably few other fat-soluble componds in theory.

I didn't drink it, but if I remember correctly it was working.
And it was clear white in color and had very mild cannabis taste.

So I'm trying to do this for a tincture to see how it turns out.
I've boiled it 5 times and discarded about 5 litres of brown water.
Then dried mix in an over at 100°C.
It turned dark green, lost about 5-10% of weight, lost most of its smell.
Vaping it still works, I would say the potency loss is small to none.
It is tasteless and somewhat smoother in the vape.
Basically its having tsimilar properties I read about water-cured buds.

I'm a little worried about the potency loss. I think it is small and it still works in the vape.
But I've read some people say that thc can be moderately soluble in water, especially when hot.
Does anyone have experience or good knowledge about this?
Could boiling 5 times in a liter of water cause any serious potency loss?
Also I think I probably could lose some kief as the mix was finely ground so it could escape the tea bags.
Boiling before grinding could be better, but it was preground long time ago.

So that's what I have now, a ground mix of sugar leaves, water-cured by repeated boiling.
What I assume should happen is that I put in in tea bags and let it sit in cold 80% rum for months.
The boiling should have done two things:
1) Decarb it so I can be extracted into an active tincture without heat which should probably make it more pure and fresh.
2) Discard most of the water-soluble stuff, so it doesn't go into the tincture.

I think it would be awesome to try this with everclear, it would probably be the most clear yet potent liquid...

So... you have any tips?
Am I doing anything wrong?
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