Best quality whip vape?

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Aaron Rodgers Afficianado
Hey everyone! just wondering if you lovely people could help me out with trying to decide what my next vape should be. I would love to get a desktop vape preferably with only a whip and no bag system. My Criteria are:

-Reasonable price (between $100-$200)
-Easy to use with a group of people(basically I mean easy to use with people who may not be pros at vaping so a small/no learning curve)
-Produces strong, dense vapor
-Lastly, is a good pair with a bubbler or bong

I know that is a pretty picky list but I am curious as to what you guys and gals think. Of course if there is a non desktop vape that fits these criteria better, feel free to mention it! I am very open to any suggestion/info that can help me out. Thanks in advance everybody and happy vaping :)


Aaron Rodgers Afficianado
Herbal Aire and Da Buddha were definitely both on my list. I have only used the Da buddha once and it was, lets say, a very pleasurable experience :science:. As far as the Herbal Aire I don't know how I feel about the whole "works best without grinding your herb" spiel. Does that actually hold true or does anyone know if it can work either way? (I definitely like to grind my herb as I feel it adds more to the experience).


Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
Herbal Aire and Da Buddha were definitely both on my list. I have only used the Da buddha once and it was, lets say, a very pleasurable experience :science:. As far as the Herbal Aire I don't know how I feel about the whole "works best without grinding your herb" spiel. Does that actually hold true or does anyone know if it can work either way? (I definitely like to grind my herb as I feel it adds more to the experience).

You can grind if you like, but the Herbalaire definitely works without grinding.


Out to lunch
As far as the Herbal Aire I don't know how I feel about the whole "works best without grinding your herb" spiel. Does that actually hold true or does anyone know if it can work either way? (I definitely like to grind my herb as I feel it adds more to the experience).
It does work just fine without grinding, espcially for bag use. I used mine for about 2 years, almost daily, and give it high marks, but I didn't care for it for direct draw. I had an SSV and that delivered great hits, so I never really experimented with the HA for that delivery method. The hardest thing to clean on the HA (by far) is the main mouthpiece screen, which is coarse (large holes). Grinding your herb means that screen not only requires more cleaning (and more often), but you'll get a lot of small particles passing through the screen. Whenever I had to use ground herb in it I'd add another crucible screen to the top of the chamber to keep bits of herb from passing all the way through the vape.

Reasonable price (between $100-$200)
In that range, aiming for a whip vape, I'd have to go with the DBV. I prefer the standard (not hands free) SSV, for slightly thicker hits and unlike some, don't really care for the hands free setup on the DBV, but it's mostly just a matter of getting used to the ergonomics.

clouded vision

Well-Known Member
I had the HA for a short time but sold it and replaced it with a LSV. the HA is a great unit and works well, but didn't give me the thick hits I wanted. I imagine both the DBV and SSV will give similar thick hits as they are all essentially the same thing on the inside.
clouded vision,
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Aaron Rodgers Afficianado
In that range, aiming for a whip vape, I'd have to go with the DBV. I prefer the standard (not hands free) SSV, for slightly thicker hits and unlike some, don't really care for the hands free setup on the DBV, but it's mostly just a matter of getting used to the ergonomics.

So between the SSV and DBV is there much of a difference? Aren't the components of heating element in the LSV, DBV, and SSV all similar if not identical? Only asking because I found a SSV in my price range online and was wondering what it's advantages over the DBV are? (I know retail price is higher on the SSV but why? :shrug:)

I had the HA for a short time but sold it and replaced it with a LSV. the HA is a great unit and works well, but didn't give me the thick hits I wanted. I imagine both the DBV and SSV will give similar thick hits as they are all essentially the same thing on the inside.

What kind of thick hits were you looking for? and do you think those can be attained at all with the HA? or would it be better to head towards 7th floor?

clouded vision

Well-Known Member
7th floor makes heavy hitters which is what I was looking for, thick bong like rips. The HA does a great job of extracting the actives without having to grind or stir but it only goes to 400°f so some actives get left behind (not a problem if you use your ABV). I found with the HA that if you grind your herb and then pack it down with a extra screen on top you could get some decent hits but it still didn't compare to my LSV. I let a friend borrow my HA and he said it worked very well with bags but that's not really my thing. Both units are of equal quality and will get you to the same place but just different styles of vaping for different people.
Just for comparison, I would say the best hits out of the HA compared to some of the best hits out of the solo but without as much restriction so I wouldn't say it can't perform, I just prefer the heavier hits that the 7th floor products can deliver. just my personal experience
clouded vision,
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Aaron Rodgers Afficianado
Just for comparison, I would say the best hits out of the HA compared to some of the best hits out of the solo but without as much restriction so I wouldn't say it can't perform, I just prefer the heavier hits that the 7th floor products can deliver. just my personal experience

Very good description, thank you!. I am definitely looking for thick bong type hits so based on that I think 7th floor is the way to go. Would you reccomend the ssv over the dbv?

clouded vision

Well-Known Member
I haven't tried either of those but I think most would prefer the SSV with the classic wand. I read something about the angle helps prevent your herb from falling out onto the element. Really though I think you will be happy with either one, I would say if you found a good deal on the SSV I would go for it abd I think most would agree.
clouded vision,
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Out to lunch
So between the SSV and DBV is there much of a difference? Aren't the components of heating element in the LSV, DBV, and SSV all similar if not identical? Only asking because I found a SSV in my price range online and was wondering what it's advantages over the DBV are? (I know retail price is higher on the SSV but why? :shrug:)
The SSV is more expensive because of housing materials, including a hand blown glass knob vs. plastic. The housing is thicker and the bases cost more.

As for ergonomics, it really depends on the person and where and how your vape is set up. My SSV was right beside my easy chair on a table and I could just swivel my elbow to mate the wand to the heater cover. I love the heater/wand connection angle- no chance to spill any herb. I'd hold the whip in my hand between hits and wouldn't even realize I was holding it half the time. It was a great setup for me. With the DBV (never owned one but did give one a good testing) I was always a little worried about jerking the whip out of the heater cover, although I'm sure I would have gotten more used to it with time and use.

The SSV (standard setup) has a small heater cover opening, so you get a narrow stream of hot air flow hitting the wand/bowl. If you've got a good sized bowl packed that small stream of air hits a lot of herb, so you get a really high vapor to air ratio, meaning thick, vapor rich hits. The downside is that you have to remember to rotate the wand a little during hits, to spread the air stream around, and some stirring of the bowl between at least some of the hits is necessary. The DBV air stream is wider, pretty much hitting all the bowl surface, so the vapor/air ratio isn't quite as high, but the hits are more predictable and less stirring is needed. Both models have their pluses and minuses compared to each other, and if I'd owned both, I would have used both at times, depending on my mood. You really can't go wrong with either one. They do use the same heater (yes, a very high quality ceramic-no, all ceramic heaters aren't equal) and electronics, and both are time tested and reliable. And the SSV screen, in particular, is quite easy to set in place as long as it's a new one.

If you like thick vapor and can get a good price on an SSV, I think you'd be very happy with that model. Used with a bong especially, the DBV would also give you nothing to complain about.

Hoof Hearted

Vapesallday Industries
Da Buddha meets all the needs that you listed. It can be as heavy of a hitter as you want it to be. And the price tag is $189 which is just under your $200 limit. It's guaranteed to satisfy. *FART*
Hoof Hearted,
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Aaron Rodgers Afficianado
If you like thick vapor and can get a good price on an SSV, I think you'd be very happy with that model. Used with a bong especially, the DBV would also give you nothing to complain about.

Thank you so much for that very insightful explanation, very very helpful Max. So I found this

which is almost $100 less than retail? I think if I can get that good of a price on it I can't go wrong... atleast I hope. :ssv:


well-worn member
What about the Vapolution 2.0? I'm a big fan of 7th floor but that looks like a sweet package for one on a budget, it even comes with two bowls and two whips.


Aaron Rodgers Afficianado
What about the Vapolution 2.0? I'm a big fan of 7th floor but that looks like a sweet package for one on a budget, it even comes with two bowls and two whips.

Haven't really heard anything about the vapolution, I was aware it existed but never really looked to far into it. :D Have you used it before?


well-worn member
No, but with it's price and after reading through the thread a bit I thought it may qualify for consideration here. From my own experience with the SSV I would totally go with that or the DBV.


Aaron Rodgers Afficianado
I am definitely leaning that way, more towards the LSV since I found it for $153 on Wickiepipe. But while surfing aimlessly without a vape for hours and days at a time I stumbled upon the NO2 which I completely overlooked. I know its not really a whip vape but after seeing this posted in the N02 thread.... I want to milk that thing like Ron Burgundy on a hot summer day. :brow: l

EDIT: I also found the N02 for only $82...
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well-worn member
I've got an LSV coming in tomorrow myself :cheers:

For portable I had a Pax and was not satisfied, traded it away and now will try a Vaporblunt 2.0. That NO2 looks pretty big for a portable but I have read good things about it. Hell it may be bigger than the LSV?

That Gravitron looks really sick, I will definitely have to look into that one :nod:

Back to the Vapolution 2.0, if I wasn't already going hog wild now that I'm back to vaping I would definitely give it a try. It looks like it has the best of both worlds with a wireless battery pack option as well.

I just like their approach, for some reason it clicks with me, but mostly from their website as I have barely scanned the thread so far.


When I was there I did pick up one of their pocket vapes, for complete off the grid operation with my butane torch's hot air tip. It also comes in a kit with a small torch and a case.
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Aaron Rodgers Afficianado
I've got an LSV coming in tomorrow myself :cheers:

For portable I had a Pax and was not satisfied, traded it away and now will try a Vaporblunt 2.0. That NO2 looks pretty big for a portable but I have read good things about it. Hell it may be bigger than the LSV?

Oh boy, jealous of your incoming LSV. Yeah I had a PAX too and it just didn't work well with other people, trying to describe the pull technique and all got old after a while. Every. single. time. :bang: Haha but yeah, the part I like about the N02 is that it can be used while plugged in, and seems fairly simple to operate.

Back to the Vapolution 2.0, if I wasn't already going hog wild now that I'm back to vaping I would definitely give it a try. It looks like it has the best of both worlds with a wireless battery pack option as well.

I just like their approach, for some reason it clicks with me, but mostly from their website as I have barely scanned the thread so far.
When I was there I did pick up one of their pocket vapes, for complete off the grid operation with my butane torch's hot air tip. It also comes in a kit with a small torch and a case.

I'm definitely going to go check out the thread, I have about a month until I can buy my next vape, so I will have plenty of time for research. That pocket vape looks interesting.... how well did that turn out?
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Well-Known Member
LSV, DBV and SSV are all big hitters, but LSV might be just a little better for groups since you don't have to worry about someone yanking out the wand. And you don't have to end up all huddling around the vaporizer. Also, while you can pretty easily pair the DBV and SSV with a water tool, the LSV seems to be designed perfectly for that purpose.


well-worn member
Oh boy, jealous of your incoming LSV. Yeah I had a PAX too and it just didn't work well with other people, trying to describe the pull technique and all got old after a while. Every. single. time. :bang: Haha but yeah, the part I like about the N02 is that it can be used while plugged in, and seems fairly simple to operate.

I'm definitely going to go check out the thread, I have about a month until I can buy my next vape, so I will have plenty of time for research. That pocket vape looks interesting.... how well did that turn out?

Don't have it yet, bought it on impulse then then I found the coupon code in the thread :\

It was on sale anyways just like everything else on their site, they're pretty reasonable across the board and they're out of Chico CA which is a super cool (actually blistering hot in the summers) college town.

So don't forget to try the coupon code on top of their sale prices if you decide to try it!

LSV, DBV and SSV are all big hitters, but LSV might be just a little better for groups since you don't have to worry about someone yanking out the wand. And you don't have to end up all huddling around the vaporizer. Also, while you can pretty easily pair the DBV and SSV with a water tool, the LSV seems to be designed perfectly for that purpose.

Yeah I can't wait, a box came today that was the right shape and faked me out but it was just some iso :suspicious:

mod note: Please avoid back-to-back posts, use Edit instead. Two posts merged.


Out to lunch
I am definitely leaning that way, more towards the LSV since I found it for $153 on Wickiepipe. But while surfing aimlessly without a vape for hours and days at a time I stumbled upon the NO2 which I completely overlooked. I know its not really a whip vape but after seeing this posted in the N02 thread.... I want to milk that thing like Ron Burgundy on a hot summer day. :brow:
EDIT: I also found the N02 for only $82...
The Vapolution can be hooked up for water filtration I guess, but even then it'll be more touchy and less of a big hitter than a 7th Floor model. It has a narrow bowl and with direct draw is more like a log vape than a big hitting whip model. I'd forget the Vapir unless you want portability more than big hits. And if you buy a 7th Floor vape at a low, low price, you may end up without a 7th Floor warranty. They're saying no to eBay sales and some other sites as well.


Aaron Rodgers Afficianado
The Vapolution can be hooked up for water filtration I guess, but even then it'll be more touchy and less of a big hitter than a 7th Floor model. It has a narrow bowl and with direct draw is more like a log vape than a big hitting whip model. I'd forget the Vapir unless you want portability more than big hits. And if you buy a 7th Floor vape at a low, low price, you may end up without a 7th Floor warranty. They're saying no to eBay sales and some other sites as well.

Yeah I think the vapolution looks like an interesting unit to have, but I don't think it'll be good for my needs. As far as the hits from the Vapir i'm not sure if the trade off is worth it. I really do appreciate everyone being patient with my needs as they seem to keep changing, sorry about that. I guess im just hard to please :D

Okay after hearing different opinions on different vapes and all of that jazz im going to restate my needs.

All I want now is a unit (portable or desktop) that is the cheapest that produces the best quality vapor.
So basically wherever those two points meet on a graph... haha yay math. And I would like it to be able to hookup to a water pipe.


All I want now is a unit (portable or desktop) that is the cheapest that produces the best quality vapor.
So basically wherever those two points meet on a graph... haha yay math. And I would like it to be able to hookup to a water pipe.

Cheap good vapor?

VAPOLUTION with a ALL in Wonder Bowl.

Good taste, sweet vapor and cheap!

In Spanish it's the 3 B's = Bueno, Bonito, Barato!

Vaya Con Dios!

There are a lot of good companies selling vaporizer.
You said cheap!
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