Atomisers for Globe type vape pens

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Well-Known Member
Hi All

I now have both the Dr Dabber Globe and the Dabbler Tube. I had tried a very cheap globe but the taste was awful so I dumped it after a few tokes. I really like the taste and hits from both these devices.
The atomisers are interchangeable and I am now wondering which atomisers I should be buying as replacements.

The atomiser has to use Ti for the heating element and the ceramic wick also seems like a nice step forward.

I have been googling and I find a range of atomisers from $1 to $20. I don't mind spending more on an atomiser but I don't want to spend $20 on a $1 atomiser.

Any tips on the best atomiser for a globe type pen?


Stuck in Dab Coma
the amount you spend is going to dictate the quality of the materials used in the build. So... if you spend 1$ on a replacement atty, odds are pretty good that your going to wind up with the same atty that you didn't like from the cheaper glass globe that you explained as tasting bad. If you don't buy the replacements from the dabbler website, you'll wind up with a dabbler device on the outside, with that same element that you didn't like from the cheaper globe imitators on the inside, thus totally defeating the purpose of even using the dabbler in the first place. So in conclusion... spend the 20$, or else you'll wind up with the same horrible taste you don't like from the cheaper atty's using sub-par building materials.
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