Any reason switching vaporizers could get you higher (model to model)?


Unconscious Objector
By way of explanation, I mostly use the Extreme .v3 in whip mode and either use it at 190C or 140/155/170/190C (walking through the temperatures over the course of a few hours). Generally 0.2g per load, although of course it does vary.

Does the trick quite nice, but then when I switch to the SSV (using the same strain of MJ), the high is invariably 'higher' or more intense. I attribute this partially to the fact that I am getting a bigger hit/rip.

Then, last night I received my new Launch Box (to replace one that I mistakenly thought my cat had knocked into the garbage), and used it instead of the Extreme. Used the same MJ (Dutch Cheese; the taste sucks IMO), and loaded ~125 mg into the trench. Was sent into the stratosphere (4 hits over 1/2 hour and the trench was not finished by any means).

The SSV getting me higher I can understand, but the Launch Box? This new LB is running slightly hotter than the one I had picked up back in March, draws more easily and that's it.

I'm hitting the box natively, so there's no stem for condensation to occur on. The load size is lower.

Is it all in my head? Anyone else switch vaporizers in the course of an evening and notice something like this?




Well-Known Member
different air to vapor ratio among other things I would imagine.

I call it the vaporizer model personality.

When I have my DBV, it is often lent out these days. I will use the zephyr in the morning, the DBV during the day and the Zephyr at night. I only use the LB when I travel but recently it fit the role perfectly.

I look forward to using other vaporizers as its a new experience in sensation for me as well. Its like vaporizer exploration hehe! Sadly I have not tried any new vaporizers in a bit.


Well-Known Member
I used to think the lb gave a very mellow high before I received my new unit a few weeks ago and let me tell you the difference is vast.The new unit runs far hotter and has much better airflow. Both these differences allows the lb to hit me hard



Well-Known Member
I think its because the new unit is made from Maple wood, which is a bit more dense then what they previously used. In addition, I think they also made changes to the air path.
Both of those things combined make for hotter vapor, which the LB needs IMO, as I tend to get pretty small rips from it, but I may just need new batteries... :|

I think different methods get you higher depending on how often you use it. Since I vape all the time, smoking(though rare) really hits me hard, however the high is VERY short lived form smoke.
Edibles, on the other hand, are also kinda rare for me to use, but those really knock me on my ass.


Out to lunch
Different temps and the size of the hits are the difference. There are no high tech methods of design or hardware differences that will account for better extraction. Luckily for us, vaporization is a simple process.


Well-Known Member
Looks like you're using your Extreme at pretty low temperatures. I have an EQ and I usually start at 190 and work my way up to 220. I know it's all personal preference but I'm incredibly surprised that you get vapor at 140.

As Max said the temperature makes a big difference and so does air to vapor ratio.


Herbal Alchemist
I noticed a big difference when I switched from my Vapor Warez to the Magic Flight Launch Box. I got way more medicated with the LB, so I had to adjust my usage accordingly. The LB also helps relieve my pain a lot better too.


Well-Known Member
max said:
Different temps and the size of the hits are the difference. There are no high tech methods of design or hardware differences that will account for better extraction. Luckily for us, vaporization is a simple process.

Yes, "vaporization is a simple process." But other things that happen to the vapor after vaporization are much of concern too.

This includes other physical transformations and pharmacokinetics (human drug absorption and delivery), particularly when comparing the Launch Box against most any other vaporizer. Condensation, probably related to time delay to inhalation, and related to this, condensed particle (aerosol droplet) size are important, with only condensed oil particles less than say a few microns able to make it into the alveoli (air exchange sacs) of the lungs (with the rest being exhaled or absorbed uselessly onto respiratory passage surfaces). With a bare Launch Box, the heat source and vaporization are at most one inch away from your lips. The vapor does not have much time to condense and (although probably less dense to begin with) delivers a higher proportion of lesser-condensed, smaller-particle, less visible, perhaps "fresher" vapor (what you really want). The vapor path and time delay are longer with the other vaporizers, so a higher proportion of the desired materials condenses into more visible, larger-particle-sized vapor (with a higher proportion of this not going to be as rapidly absorbed in the lungs). Similarly, vapor tubes used with log/Eterra-style vaporizers provide a short, direct vapor path, which appears to strongly correlate with efficiency.
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