All Glass and ceramic vape recommendations?


Well-Known Member
The high temperature orings that fit on the end of the tip have two functions; they provide a smooth tight fit into the midsection and they prevent heat from transferring to the midsection. Other than the tip itself the rest of the Vapcap remains at room temps.

The tip, as I mentioned above fits into the midsection and OVER the condenser. The orings are not in the airpath. The airpath is stainless steel on the ti tipped vapcaps and all glass on the OG Vapcap.

I have never burned myself using the Vapcap and I use it throughout the day and evening, every 2 - 3 hours. I microdose tiny amounts and even now, I'm astonished at how efficient the Vapvap is with your herbs.

The Vapcap is the size and shape of a cigarette. And like a cigarette, you light it, or heat it in the Vapcaps case, THEN toke. This is unlike many butane vapes that have a flame applied WHILE toking. I have never grabbed a cigarette by it lit end and likewise, I never touch the Vapcap by the tip when hot.

Thanks for your input.
I now have one on order.
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